Simon Harding


A good book is something that immerses you completely. It should scream at you from your bedside table and chastise you for not paying it enough attention.

A great writer can set you free, make you feel good about the world. They can make you laugh and cry. They can take you to places you don't expect. Great writing is, in itself, magic.

Smashwords Interview

What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
As a new author, it's all about making people aware. Social media is an absolute jungle, and it doesn't matter how many Twitter followers you have or the number of people who like your Facebook page- it is incredibly hard to get people to see your posts, let alone take action. So for me, it's about spreading the word, literally.
Describe your desk
At the moment it's a mess. 2 weeks of school holidays and a few moments grabbed here and there to write is hardly conducive to a tidy desk. But tidy it I will. Cluttered desk means cluttered mind.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Simon Harding online


Ancient Tide
For eight hundred years, it has fought tragedy. Against all the odds it has survived. Ancient Tide is the story of a love so intense that it refuses to die. England. 1990. Lauren Kennedy rushes to the aid of a dying girl, and is shocked to find they are identical in every way. As their hands touch, the true extent of fate's ruthless master plan erupts through their sizzling connection. In that moment, Lauren knows exactly what she must do.


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