Steve Van Bakel


Steve Van Bakel lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with his beautiful daughter Grace. He is the publisher at The Write Adventure which specializes in adventure and travel writing. You can visit his site online at

Steve has spent ten years as a medic in the Canadian Army where he served as a peacekeeper in war-torn Bosnia. He spent four months working as a medic on an expedition ship in the Antarctic where four of those days were spent being held hostage by the Russian Mafia. He’s run medical clinics in third world parts of Mexico where he treated those who had no access to medical care. For fourteen years he's worked the streets of Calgary as a paramedic with nine of those being spent as a paramedic on the Police TAC/SWAT team.

Steve has published eight traditional books and has now moved on to publishing ebooks through The Write Adventure.

Where to find Steve Van Bakel online


Lost Innocence
Price: Free! Words: 9,620. Language: English. Published: June 13, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Plays & Screenplays » American
Not all ghosts are scary. In fact, some are just misunderstood entities looking for something missed in their mortal life. Such is the case for the ghost of four-year-old, Samantha.

Steve Van Bakel's tag cloud

canadian    drama    ghost    van bakel