Steven Ballinger


Green Smoothie Cleanse - Delicious Weight Loss Recipes
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 14,580. Language: English. Originally Published: January 14, 2020 by dsk-enterprise. Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Sports nutrition, Nonfiction » Parenting » Childhood obesity, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Dieting, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Food-content guides
If you have never tried a green smoothie cleanse before, you are headed to a completely new level of wellness and energy. It can be intimidating to pick up a glass that contains a thick green liquid and drink it down, but the truth is that green smoothies don't taste all that different from pink, orange, red and yellow ones. The main difference is one of nutrition and fiber rather than one of...
Detox Diet - Eliminate Toxins, Rejuvenate Your Body, Look and Feel Great
Detox diets have quickly gained a large following over the years, and as far as diets go, this one is here to stay. It is very popular because of its simplicity, its short duration, its benefits and the fact that it is natural and there are no chemicals or pills involved. Detoxification is the body's natural way of eliminating toxins which cause harm to the body's tissues, which inevitably...
Essential Oils For Beginners - Use The Power Of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Healthy Living
As more and more Americans are becoming aware of the risks that come with being overweight, weight loss programs and diet menu plans have never been in great demand as they are today. However, there are people who can't seem to get the right formula to lose excess weight even though they've tried everything. This book is for them and for all those who simply want to lose weight. ."Ultimate...
Paleo Diet For Beginners - Eat Healthy For Longevity
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 10,170. Language: English. Originally Published: January 14, 2020 by dsk-enterprise. Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Sports nutrition, Nonfiction » Parenting » Childhood obesity, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Dieting, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Food-content guides, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living
Losing weight is a challenge for millions of people each year. Even though more and more people are undertaking fitness events ranging from 5K races to triathlons and marathons, the statistics also show that the West is becoming more overweight with each passing year as well. The culprits are easy to find. Heading out to a restaurant for dinner? You're likely to get a plate of food that has...
Ketogenic Diet - Ultimate Weight Loss – Lose Belly Fat Fast
A diet that is high in fats, sufficient in proteins and low in carbs is known as the ketogenic diet. This began as a way to treat children who have refractory epilepsy, but it has also emerged as a way for adults to lose weight. This diet makes the body consume fat instead of carbohydrates. In a normal diet, the body converts carbs from food into glucose and then sends it throughout the body...
Super Fast Metabolism Diet - Speed Up your Metabolism and Lose Weight Quickly
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 11,290. Language: English. Originally Published: January 14, 2020 by dsk-enterprise. Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Sports nutrition, Nonfiction » Parenting » Childhood obesity, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Dieting, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Food-content guides, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Macrobiotics
The desire to lose weight and stay fit is becoming more and more difficult to satisfy. After all, most restaurants have increased their portion sizes to the point where one entree often has an entire day's worth of calories. If you go to McDonald's and order a Happy Meal for your child, the cheeseburger inside used to be the cheeseburger that adults would order. It's not just fast food places...