Susy Caetano


Hi, my name is Susy Caetano. I´m an author, an entrepreneur, wife, and mother of two children.

Where to find Susy Caetano online


The Σ of Simple Steps = The Creation of Life
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 22,000. Language: English. Originally Published: August 30, 2023 by Susy Caetano. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Death, Grief, Bereavement
Have you ever considered how many individuals navigate the challenging journey of mourning a loved one in isolation, without seeking support or guidance? Some women grapple with their grief in solitude, while others attempt to resume their daily routines, striving for a semblance of normalcy in a world that now feels anything but "normal." Some may be hesitant or embarrassed to seek help or...