
Keep Going, It’s Not Over
Everything you encounter cannot destroy you without God's approval. Before you rationalize and create a list of things that nearly took you out, take heed to the following scriptures and see the love of God. What you view as a situation that nearly took you out, in actuality, it could not take you out unless God approves. The edge of your faith is like the seed breaking through the soil.... 3...
The Power of Words
Many of us have allowed our words to destroy instead of build. Our speech is shaped by our perception, which is filtered by our environment. The thoughts you allow refuge within your mind will eventually manifest. Too often we remain in a stagnation place because we fear change. In order for growth to occur, change is inevitable and critical in the life of believers. We must get to where we...
A Husband's Love
Price: $5.78 USD. Words: 33,940. Language: English. Originally Published: December 6, 2019 by Insightful Creation Publication. Categories: Fiction » Christian » General, Fiction » Christian » Romance, Fiction » Christian » Suspense, Fiction » African American fiction » Romance, Fiction » Romance » Clean & wholesome
Unbeknownst to Emma, John's past prepared him for his future. He thought he could run away from them, but one day they found him. John, poised with courage, glanced over at Emma and her mother. He exhaled and felt a surge of guilt pulsate within his veins, knowing he had brought his problems into their home. He then mustered up enough courage and approached the intruders, hoping to detour their...

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