Berwick Mahdi Davenport & Norris Williams II


Berwick “Mahdi” Davenport is a Human Performance Specialist who focuses on helping women to make a total shift in their perspective from fearful to faithful, stopped to unstoppable and average to supernatural. His overall goal is to introduce women to a transformative process that reveals the Ultimate Woman within them. His no-nonsense coaching style and expertise leverages the one power all women have but almost none profit from to motivate and inspire women to face and conquer their greatest challenges.
Mr. Davenport is the co-founder and C.E.O. of the Relationship Fitness Center (RFC) in Houston Texas founded in 2000. The RFC is an educational consulting firm, focusing on the transformation of relationships through a Total Shift in Perspective. Mr. Davenport is also the creator of two highly dynamic signature coaching systems called the A Total Shift in Perspective and The Ultimate Woman Project, which you can find out more about @
In addition to this book Mr. Davenport is also the author of four other powerful books, which include such works as It’s Time: The Race is Over, The Art of Life Recycling: Thirteen Secrets to a Spiritual Culture, To Open A Blackman Eye’s, and The Laws and Principles of Relationship Fitness. Berwick resides in Houston Texas. To book Mr. Davenport for keynote addresses, coaching or consulting services call 281.300.2637 today.

Norris Williams is an outstanding Performance Coach, specializing in showing others how to overcome the Goliaths or Mr. Smiths in their lives to live lives of Greatness Now! His platform emanated from spending 20 years in a deep battle with and destroying the Mr. Smith (see Matrix, the movie) in his life. Mr. Williams uses what he learned to empower others into Greatness. His charismatic presentation style combined with a heart for God’s people allows him to assist others in revolutionizing their lives throught his new Coaching Program, DoBigBusiness!
Norris recently founded his own company, iGeaux Mobile, to address the growing need for the small business owner to embrace the power of mobile technology in their businesses.
To schedule a speaking engagement or to register for the DoBigBusiness

Where to find Berwick Mahdi Davenport & Norris Williams II online


Taking Back The Crown; The Timeless Blueprint for a Life Fully Lived
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 18,190. Language: English. Published: April 10, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
A fully lived life is what we all secretly desire, but are afraid to go after. It is the crown we were all created to wear, but like so many others, forfeited it to live a life in exile. Now because of fear, doubt and disbelief the idea of being happy, fulfilled and prosperous occurs to us as something possible for only a select few. We’ve settled for small, insignificant living.

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