

Tallisman (pseudonym) has been writing poetry for countless years but only this year has he started publishing it. The world has obviously done something to upset him to earn such punishment! With his wife, 2 dogs and 3 cats, he lives in the UK County of Staffordshire. Spending his days working and his evenings writing, walking and avoiding DIY tasks…


Monochrome Moon
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 3,190. Language: English. Originally Published: July 14, 2023 by Tallisman. Categories: Poetry » U.K. Poetry, Poetry » Contemporary Poetry, Poetry » Spiritual, Poetry » Themes & motifs » Death, Poetry » Themes & motifs » Nature
All my life I've enjoyed writing, which is not to say I'm any good at it. That is for others to say! It's just a dream… Save that dream, don't let it go Dreams are all we have, you know Life is just what we do between Those precious moments when we dream So I have published this small chapbook in the hope that someone will find something to appreciate, to have some sort of emotive response...

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death    poem    poetry    romance    sorrow