Texianer Verlag for the Schonfield Trust

The Historical Jesus in "The Passover Plot Approach"
A Short Essay explaining the thinking behind the book and the understaning of the meaning of the person of Jesus.
A Crisis of Being
I was a born non-believer. One of my earliest memories is deciding that Santa Claus did not really exist. Why? He was supposed to arrive in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. I knew that reindeer can't fly, therefore there had to be another reason that presents would appear under the Christmas tree. The next victim was the Tooth Fairy. I witnessed my Dad tossing my older sister's lost tooth...
The "People of God" Concept
The members of the new "People of God" do not live in the struggle against and in the separation from the "others", the evil ones, the enemies, but in an all-connectedness that includes and accepts everyone, so that at some point separation, division, and enmity may be abolished for them as well.
A Summary of THE POLITICS OF GOD by Hugh Schonfield
Sharon Thomson composed this summary of Hugh Schonfield's book "The Politics of God" initially for a Rabbi who was interested in the book but did not have time to read it. Most of us have busy lives but this book is just too important to miss. So we are making this excellent summary available to gain an insight into Schonfield's ground breaking...
Price: $9.90 USD. Words: 216,190. Language: English. Originally Published: August 23, 2020 by Texianer Verlag for the Schonfield Trust. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / New Testament
The story of Jesus as the writers of the New Testament meant it to be told. Astonishingly unlike the New Testament as it has been handed down to us today, this remarkable new translation makes the story come alive as never before. Impelled by the latest archaeological and historical discoveries, eminent scholar Hugh J. Schonfield has returned...
Gospel Untruth: A Disclosure of Christian Fraud
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 4,380. Language: English. Originally Published: May 19, 2022 by Texianer Verlag for the Schonfield Trust. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Yoga, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity / History, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Church / History
This is the introduction and first section of a book which discusses the authenticity of the Christian interpretation of New Testament reports. It includes some autobiographical information from the author and a report of the events which led to his conclusions. Unfortunately, this book as such was never completed although many of the ideas were...
The Politics of Jesus
Willi Haller was not a theologian but an industrialist. Within the framework of his commitment to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, he also lectured on theological topics. In the following lecture he critically deals with some statements concerning the question of power. For him, violence and powerlessness belong together. We hope that his...
Die Politik Gottes
Hugh J. Schonfield wurde 1901 in London geboren. Nach seinem Studium in London und Glasgow widmete er seine Lebensarbeit als Historiker der Zeit Jesu und des frühen Christentums. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema brachten ihm weltweite Anerkennung. Seine Bücher "The Passover Plot" und "Those Incredible Christians" erreichten eine...
An Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew's Gospel: Translated, with an Introduction Notes and Appendices
In the spring of 1925 the writer purchased from a London antiquarian bookseller a small volume, dated A.D. 1555, containing the Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew, followed by a series of Jewish objections to the Gospel to the number of twenty-three, also in Hebrew. The text of the Gospel was accompanied at the end of the volume by a Latin translation...
For the Train - Five Poems and a Tale by Lewis Carroll
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 10,680. Language: English. Originally Published: April 27, 2022 by Texianer Verlag for the Schonfield Trust. Categories: Poetry » Ancient Poetry, Fiction » Literary collections » Ancient & Classical
From the original flyleaf: "Of Especial Interest to lovers of Alice Mr. Hugh Schonfield, a young London author, delving in a box outside a bookseller's, found a bound volume of numbers of an old magazine. He paid two shillings for it. In the volume Mr. Schonfield discovered poems - forgotten for about 75 years - composed by Lewis Carroll, and...
The Passover Plot - New Light on the History of Jesus
This is the new official Schonfield Trust edition of the Passover Plot which is probably one of the most controversial books on the role of Jesus the Messiah. Yet to say that, might detract from its scholarly attention to detail and its furnishing of new insights into the character of the Man who changed the world so radically. Thus it is a...
Christ Against Caesar - A Lecture Based on the Passover Plot
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 4,660. Language: English. Originally Published: May 19, 2022 by Texianer Verlag for the Schonfield Trust. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Theology / History, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Eschatology, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Messianic Judaism
The Mondcivitan Writings Series is a collection of essays and commentaries published in pamphlets and in The Mondcivitan and other Servant Nation Movement publications written by Hugh Schonfield and his associates. They deal with a wide range of subjects from biblical history, theology, mysticism, politics to management studies. They witness to...
Those Incredible Christians
Those Incredible Christians is written as a companion to the bestseller, The Passover Plot. It continues the story after Jesus' crucifixion to the movements surrounding the early disciples and how the message of the gospels developed. It demonstrates with considerable evidence how the understanding of the role and person of Messiah became...
The Pentecost Revolution
In this scholarly yet readable book Schonfield tries to unravel the mysteries behind the development of early Christianity in the thirty years between the crucifixion of Jesus and the Fall of Jerusalem. It builds on the famous work 'The Passover Plot' by the same author. It is a companion reader also to 'Those Incredible Christians' and 'The...

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