P.B. Jeffrey


P.B. Jeffrey is a children's book author from Queens, NY. As a mother of one school-age child and one preschooler, her books, stories and educational materials all center around whatever she's teaching her children at the moment. Visit her YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/TeacherApproved to check out additional works.

Where to find P.B. Jeffrey online

Twitter: @authorpbjeffrey
Facebook: Facebook profile


The Flyers and The Crawlers
Price: Free! Words: 500. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Insects (except lepidopterans), spiders, etc.
(4.50 from 2 reviews)
Bullies, the bullied, and the bystander can all learn from this modern day fable about flying insects who bully crawling bugs. Bullies Bee Buggin’! is an anti-bullying children's book series written to teach children that no one and no thing is here by accident, that everyone has something uniquely important to offer the world, and we all deserve respect based on that alone.

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