Vladimir (Lav) Lajović


Archbishop Vladimir (Lav) Lajović was born on July 27, 1971, in Titograd. He completed his elementary education and then attended the Military High School in Sarajevo from 1986 to 1990. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Montenegro in 1996. In May 2017, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Theological Faculty in Osijek and defended his Masters thesis titled "Biblical Reflections of the Chronicle of the Pop of Dukljanin.";

During his professional career from 1997 until he decided to devote himself to the priesthood, he held a number of prominent positions in government, media, and industry. He is the author of three collections of poetry, "In Doubt"; "Me and the Wolf"; and "A Wreath of Winds"; as well as a series of legal studies. Lajović has also published three books of prophetic and meditative prose by Jektenija and "Metanoia I and II"; and five theological studies, "Freedom Above All"; "The Heresy of the Kosovo Myth"; "The Christian Struggle of St. Vladimir of Duklja"; "Jelena the Servant of God"; and "Theological Issues of Revising the Julian Calendar";

He was the founder and coordinator of the non-governmental organization Christian Movement of Montenegro, the director of the Center for Contemporary Spirituality of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church in Podgorica, and the editor of the portal Pravoslavlje.me. He is also one of the lecturers at the Theological Academy "St. Stefan Piperski" in Podgorica.


Preblagi Učitelju
You set the price! Words: 9,550. Language: Serbo-Croatian. Published: January 7, 2024 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity / Orthodox
"Preblagi Učitelju (Sotiriologija Luče Mikrokozme)" autora Vladimira Lava Lajovića istražuje pravoslavnu sotiriologiju, nauku o spasenju čoveka. Fokusira se na Njegoševu Luču Mikrokozmu, posebno himnu "O Preblagi, Tihi Učitelju". Analizira tri hristološka mjesta, zaključujući da je Hristos ključna figura koja daje smisao Njegoševom djelu, zadržavajući originalnost i autentičnost pjesničkog izraza.
Hristoliki podvig sv.kneza Vladimira
You set the price! Words: 18,910. Language: Montenegrin. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Biography / General
Ljetopis Popa Dukljanina kao najstarije djelu naše duhovnosti mi je dalo inspiraciju za ovu knjigu, jer je u njemu sadržano žitije prvog slovenskog svetitelja sa ovih prostora (Sv. Vladimir), čiji se kult proširio daleko van granica ondašnje Duklje i Raške. Vladimir je neko čijim se hristolikim podvigom inspirišu generacije, pa i ova naša danas u Crnoj Gori.
Metanoja II
You set the price! Words: 67,700. Language: Montenegrin. Published: March 5, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Meditations / General
"Knjiga očekivane moralne snage. Pisana koncizno, iskreno, mirnom udukacijom, sa pažljivo odabranim odlomcima iz svetih knjiga kojima se objašnjavaju pojave i postupci u životima ljudi, danas i ovdje, sa diskretnim komentarima autora datih sa blagošću dobronamjernog učesnika i saučesnika, marljivog zapisivača, ovaj savremeni trebnik i brevilokvijum, privući će pažnju čitalaca. " Jovan Nikolaidis
Noble Prince & Tribal Witches
You set the price! Words: 131,070. Language: English. Published: March 4, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity / Orthodox
"Noble Prince and Tribal Witches" is a book that reflects on the Chronicle of the Pop of Dukljanin, exploring the true and false spiritual authority throughout the 1000-year history of Montenegrin statehood and church.
Sloboda iznad svega Misli o slobodi
You set the price! Words: 45,350. Language: Montenegrin. Published: March 4, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Meditations / General
Ova knjiga je napisana kao autorovo traženje odgovora o slobodi koju je poželio u Hristu. Iako je pisana u formi izjava i tvrdnji, ona je u svojoj suštini problemska. Autor je otvarao pitanja i davao odgovore na temelju onoga što je spoznao o Hristu kroz Njegovu riječ. Pisana je kao slobodna teozofija u duhu slobodne hrišćanske teozofije i gnozisa.
You set the price! Words: 74,580. Language: Montenegrin. Published: March 3, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Inspiration » Spiritual inspiration
Jektenije je zbirka misli i razmišljanja o osobnim iskustvima, vjerovanjima i borbama s vjerom, religijom i svijetom. Autor piše ne kako bi preobratio ili promijenio nečija vjerovanja, već kako bi se povezao s ljudima koji dijele slična razmišljanja i osjećaje. Knjiga istražuje teme ljubavi, nade i duhovnog rasta, samootkrivanja i prihvaćanja, uz priznanje izazova da se živi takvim životom.
Theological Issues of Revising the Julian Calendar
You set the price! Words: 9,340. Language: English. Published: March 2, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Church / Canon & Ecclesiastical Law
This essay examines the theological issues of revising the Julian calendar in the Orthodox Church. It explores the history of the Christian calendar and the myth about the opposition of the new Julian calendar to decisions of the Ecumenical Council. The essay also delves into the issue of unified celebration of Easter, questioning whether the Church celebrates events or dates.
Jelena, Servant of God
You set the price! Words: 21,840. Language: English. Published: March 2, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Historical biography
This book tells the story of Jelena Petrović Njegoš, Queen of Savoy, and her lifelong devotion to serving others and God. It highlights her kindness, compassion, and commitment to helping those in need, and her unwavering faith in the face of difficult times, always hold onto hope and faith. This book is a testament to the power of one person's compassion to change the world around them.
Metanoja I
You set the price! Words: 95,760. Language: Montenegrin. Published: March 2, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Meditations / General
"Knjiga očekivane moralne snage. Pisana koncizno, iskreno, mirnom udukacijom, sa pažljivo odabranim odlomcima iz svetih knjiga kojima se objašnjavaju pojave i postupci u životima ljudi, danas i ovdje, sa diskretnim komentarima autora datih sa blagošću dobronamjernog učesnika i saučesnika, marljivog zapisivača, ovaj savremeni trebnik i brevilokvijum, privući će pažnju čitalaca. " Jovan Nikolaidis
The Heresy of the Kosovo Myth
You set the price! Words: 59,690. Language: English. Published: February 20, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity / Orthodox
This should be a defense of the fundamental truths of Christianity. This dangerous mythology established by bishops and statesmen in the last 200 years. The „Svetosavlje“ we see today is opposed to any political-ideological project that is opposed to Serbian nationalism and clericalism, and especially to Montenegrin national and spiritual rebirth and freedom.