Vimbainashe Chinhara


Vimbainashe Chinhara is the founder of Faith Contender ZW, an organization aimed at defending gospel truths whilst combating false teachings in the twenty-first-century church through promoting literature that upholds biblical doctrine. Examine Yourself According to Scripture is a series of books where she takes readers through a Bible Study method that ensures believers are following the instructions in scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit in their daily lives.

Vimbai not only has a passion to encourage spiritual growth and discipleship, but she also has a passion for lost souls. She believes that in contending for the faith, the lost will receive the true gospel of Christ which brings the true conversion of man and women into the body of Christ.

Where to find Vimbainashe Chinhara online

Twitter: @faith_contender
Facebook: Facebook profile


Examine Yourself According to Scripture: The Beatitudes
Price: Free! Words: 34,510. Language: Commonwealth English. Published: May 17, 2021 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
A study exhorting Christians to examine themselves through the beatitudes and scriptures supporting these spiritual virtues.

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