Zane Pace


Zane Pace aka S.L. Peterson believes words have healing power.

When the message enriches our mind magic happens. Lives transform. His goal is to spark us all to look beyond what we can see. Intuition, superpowers and real magic are themes he believes evolve us and writes about it because it inspires what we all need, hope and dreams.

Fulfillment, aspiration, unexpected seismic shifts and just surviving can be a daily struggle he believes we all share and can overcome together. Our mutual destiny and strength of the human spirit is alive. At our side, on our side. If we know where to look.

Tap in to proven methods, sprinkled with wit and energizing life hacks in the uplifting "When Stars Align, Destiny Happens" and his avian superhero sci-fi new release, "LunaLani the Starlifter, Secrets of Magic Island".

He and Chrissy live in Hawaii. They write, design, enjoy gardening and are active in animal rescue.

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LunaLani The Starlifter Secrets Of Magic Island
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 49,390. Language: English. Originally Published: August 24, 2022 by Star Currents LLC. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure
FAR AWAY IN THE MIDDLE OF OCEANIA . . . LunaLani the Starlifter and the Kōlea live in a magical world during a magical time on the island paradise of Manumana. But something felt off. LUNALANI SENSED DARK FORCES WERE COMING . . . CLOSING IN . . . A disturbance she felt deeply. A void of darkness seeping into the depths of her soul, filling her with dread. PROTECTING HER FLOCK WAS EMBEDDED IN...