Boleslaw Lutoslawski


Bolesław has been a portrait photographer for over 40 years working with some of the most diverse and interesting theatres, ballets and figures all across Europe. He has taken portraits of Stanisław Lem, Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Penderecki, Wisława Szymborska, Witold Lutosławski, Glenda Jackson, Sławomir Mrożek, Tom Stoppard, Simon Callow, Bill Brandt, Paloma Picasso, Ernst Gombrich, Tambimuttu, Tadeusz Kantor, Marina Warner, John Peel, George Martin, Konrad Swinarski, Peter Hall, John Tusa, Mieczysław Jastrun, Leszek Długosz amongst many of others. Worked on assignments for The Independent, The Guardian, Vogue, Newsweek, Harpers & Queen, The Illustrated London News and for the BBC & Channel 4. Bolesław has also lectured on film and photography at colleges and universities in the UK & Poland. Individual exhibitions since 1969: Krakow (3), Wroclaw (2), London (4), Edinburgh (1) Cambridge (2), Kazimierz Dolny (1) Books: While photography is his core profession, Bolesław also published several books in Polish, more recently: Korzenie nie znają granic (autobiographical) - recommended by a journalist and writer Ryszard Kapuściński. Alchemia Portretu 2011 (on the subject of Portrait Photography). This publication was supported by various media organizations and very well received by the press. As a result Lutosławski had multiple meetings with readers and also students of photography and journalism. At the same time Bolesław was invited to write for Revue Organon, the European philosophical journal (in English) Portrait Photography and Philosophy.

Where to find Boleslaw Lutoslawski online


Boleslaw Lutoslawski’s Stories and Portraits
Price: Free! Words: 9,230. Language: English. Published: September 3, 2022 . Categories: Essay » Literature
We take portraits of people we care for, who are special to us, because for most of the time they are somewhere else. We want to remember their presence and the wonderful moments we shared together. Some meetings lasted for an hour or even less, some for years, some happened purely by chance, others took long time to organise. Their portraits are reminders of those unique, memorable encounters.
The Fighter
Price: Free! Words: 15,870. Language: English. Published: November 21, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Autobiographies & Memoirs
We all face an unexpected danger from time to time. Sometimes it passes quickly, but it may return in a new shape: sinister, threatening, violent or quietly persistent, elusive and yet deadly. We cannot ignore adversaries in life, but have to fight them. Here is my story.
Albert Foudre
Price: Free! Words: 29,890. Language: English. Published: May 8, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » International crime
One day Albert Foudre, a carefree citizen of the world, is told that his best childhood friend, Conrad, had been kidnapped and subsequently murdered in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Albert decides to take revenge on the people responsible for the crime. He starts a private inquiry and soon discovers the terrible truth: Conrad’s murderer is a mafia boss, whose net covers almost the entire world.
Maks na tropie tajemniczego Patryka O'Hary
Price: Free! Words: 55,380. Language: Polish. Published: September 14, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Adventure
Książka opowiada przygody Maksa, pełnego energii i marzeń o wielkich i wspaniałych przygodach nastolatka, który mieszka z rodzicami i młodszym bratem, Romanem, w Cambridge. W wyniku wielu dziwnych zdarzeń Maks z wujkiem Oskarem wyrusza na poszukiwanie tajemniczej postaci Patryka O’Hary. W kolejnych dniach poszukiwań Maks poznaje nowych znajomych i przyjaciół i dziwne charaktery.
Tańcząc nad przepaścią Moja walka z rakiem (polskie znaki)
Price: Free! Words: 12,520. Language: Polish. Published: April 25, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Cancer
O wieloletnich zmaganiach z rakiem, zakończonych pełnym wyzdrowieniem, opowiada nam przejmująco Bolesław Lutosławski. Przesłanie książki jest optymistyczne. Niesie ona nadzieję chorym, dotkniętym tą częstą i groźną chorobą. Autor nie ukrywa, że te lata "tańca nad przepaścią", to nie tylko terapia farmakologiczna i szpitalne mury. To walka z sobą samym: z lękiem, cierpieniem swoim i bliskich, walka