C.A. DuChane

Publisher info

C.A. DuChane was born in Denver, Colorado, April 4, 1983. Currently he resides in Westminster sharing a home with two of the greatest people in the world. He excels at having more hobbies then time. He often divides his attention among, reading, writing, art, creating/playing tabletop games, and of course sleeping...and in rare occasions sleep gaming.

Smashwords Interview

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
That is a hard question. If I have to choose only one thing it would have to be creating characters that seem real to the reader. All my life I have found great joy in acting, books, movies, and most of all table top role-playing games. When I write it gives me the brief opportunity to see the world from an entirely different point of view. Sometimes my characters experiences are like my own, but other time they are so foreign to me it forces me to think and feel more deeply about the situations, and in some small way I hope that translates to my readers.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Well that is a funny story. I absolutely hated English class. That is until I reached the my last two years of high school. I had never understood the rules up to that point. Every time I was handed back my work the red ink and poor marks that colored the page never made sense to me, but then I had a teacher named Mr. Dance. He turned the whole subject upside down for me. He was engaging and taught the class cool little tricks to remember sentence structure. Most of all he taught me that the story tellers job is to tell the story, and to shine a light into the hearts/minds of the readers. Its and editors job to help the storyteller make sense. Not every author has a perfect understanding of grammar, but every great author is supported by an equally great editor.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find C.A. DuChane online


Haiku - Long and Short
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 1,930. Language: English. Published: June 26, 2010 . Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry, Poetry » Asian poetry
A clever collection of haiku poetry provided by an up and coming writer.