Embahra Maat


Embahra Maat is Hmt NTR of the Temple of Anu, an Afra-Kemetic spiritual house which focuses on cultural restoration. She serves as co-teacher for First Eye on Kemet, a course that introduces students to the Kemetic tradition, and as head teacher of KMWT, preparing women for spiritual initiation. Embahra is a member of the Global Sacred Woman Village, a process she underwent while simultaneously enrolled in courses for fiction writing at the School of Professional Studies at NYU. Prior to the start of her Kemetic journey, she majored in English at Douglass College of Rutgers University, concentrating in Creative Writing. This is her first novel.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
My parents gave me a hardcover copy of Heidi when I was seven. I must have read it a dozen times, staying up late at night to read by the light peeking into my bedroom from the hall, sneaking into the bathroom to read. I could never put it down and I couldn't stay away. It was the first time I felt wholly transported by a story, into a story. I wanted to be on that mountain, enjoying the bread and goat's milk, meeting grandfather. I still have that hardcover, and I still love that book. It was the first time I realized how much I love to read, and eventually, how exciting it would be to write.
How do you approach cover design?
I am very fortunate that within my spiritual community there are a great deal of talented people who were willing to contribute their gifts to making this novel a success. One of our graphic artists designs under the banner of Konscious Creations, and as soon as I told him of my plan to self publish, he immediately set aside time to design a cover for me. At first I didn't have any ideas about what the cover should look like, but after a while, I found myself inspired. I thought about translating the book's title and the theme into one piece of artwork. I wanted to give a glimpse of who the book was about, the energy of the story, the magical aspect, the environment. I wanted to give readers a peek into the world that they would be diving into. Qupid Art has done an amazing job with taking my thoughts and bringing them to life.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Embahra Maat online


Hidden By Moonlight
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 114,270. Language: English. Published: July 2, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
The five immortal children take their place in the world of men. The youngest is told to sit back while her siblings establish civilization. She yearns to make a contribution, but as she tries to make that happen, her choices threaten to damage and devastate everyone around her, and especially herself. The beloved epic myth of Ancient Egypt as told by Nebt-Het (Nephthys).