Eric Prime

Smashwords book reviews by Eric Prime

  • Pomegranate Blues on June 04, 2011

    I highly enjoyed this book and found it to be funny, interesting and great first book for the author. I was surprised when I ended up reading it within just 2 days. Modern day teenage love story, Greek Mythology, a little magic thrown in, and the idea of destiny vs self will... made for a very good read. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a light hearted book that has some depth to it. Hope the author writes more in the future.
  • A Name for People Like Me on July 28, 2011

    I loved the start of this book. The main character, a young boy, is wise beyond his years and it is a very funny read. I downloaded the sample and then quickly purchased the entire book. Over the course of the book the young boy grows up into a teenager and we are brought along to witness his experiences. It turns into something more common and expected (still is good read) but not the page turner it was in the first part of the book. I wish the main character could have stayed as interesting as he was as a child.
  • Fruit Cocktail: A Novel on Sep. 02, 2011

    I really enjoyed this book! It was humorous and insightful at the same time. A very funny story that keep me entertained for the entire book. This is the second book in a series. I didn't realize that at first and read this one first, enjoyed it so much I went back and read the other one afterwards. That said, I think this one is much better. The storyline is more involved and the characters have more depth. I highly recommend this book.
  • Leftovers: A Novel on July 17, 2012

    I really enjoyed Wooten's previous books and was excited to read this newer one. It was enjoyable enough however I felt the characters were rather simple and the storyline predictable. It also didn't have the humor of his other previous books. While it was a decent read I would recommend reading his "Fruit Cocktail" book instead.