Leslie King


Dr. Leslie J. King is a university professor and administrator. Dr. King earned his undergraduate degree in Clinical Laboratory Science at the University of Texas and subsequently a Master's and Ph.D. in Human Services at Capella University.

Leslie has been a Christ follower since the mid-1990's when he had a radical conversion and baptism by the Holy Spirit. Being led by the Holy Spirit to leave the healthcare profession he entered the field of teaching. His first teaching assignment was in a small Christian High School in Houston, TX., where he was mentored by spirit filled and passionate Christian educators.
After a season in Christian education Dr. King was led by the spirit to teach and be an administrator in various non-Christian adult education organization to be a light for Christ in dark places.

At the time of this publication Leslie served as a graduate faculty and Department Chair in a Columbus, Ohio University.
Leslie King and his wife Tracy King are founders of the First Century Ministry that focuses on teaching, preaching and serving in outreach for Jesus Christ.

Where to find Leslie King online


1st Century Believers in The 21st Century
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 8,110. Language: English. Published: January 11, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Life / Spiritual Growth, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / Wisdom Literature
This is a publication for modern day Christians who long for the faith, power, and love that was once delivered to the 1st century saints (apostles). We see many great stories in the bible about the first century believers and God's plan is for everyone to have a great and miraculous story.
Mere Men
Price: Free! Words: 820. Language: English. Published: December 28, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / Wisdom Literature
The Apostle Paul says that we are acting like mere men when we say we follow him, or Apollos, or even Peter ... so why do Christians say they follow a man's doctrine, and teachings, and become divided ... is Christ divided?
The Safest Place In The World
Price: Free! Words: 1,210. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Contemporary
Can you hear it?? Listen carefully. These are the screams just today of over 3,700 children literally being torn from the safest place in the world, their Mother’s womb. Many have chosen to fill their ears with lies rather than the truth.
Depart From Me
Price: Free! Words: 1,300. Language: English. Published: December 1, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Contemporary, Fiction » Christian » General
(5.00 from 1 review)
Matthew 7:21-23 are some of the most chilling words in the New Testament, what is this warning from Jesus really addressing?
Miserable Principles
Price: Free! Words: 2,180. Language: English. Published: August 26, 2012 . Categories: Essay » Author profile
The Apostle Paul spoke to the christian believers in Galatia about following weak and miserable principles.

Leslie King's tag cloud

apostle paul    apostles    arguing    bibilical    bible    christ    christianity    church    corinthians    depart    evil doer    feast    galatians    god jesus    heaven    i dont know you    innocent    jesus    matthew 7    power    prolife    salvation    spiritual