

Originally from Nigeria, but raised (predominantly) in the UK, Femigod started writing seriously in September 2011 following a conversation with his father on what he wanted from life. The purpose of the blog – femigod.com – was one of exploration of what he wanted from life. Since May 2010, he has lived in Hong Kong.

His first eBook, The Gospel According to Femigod, published 17 August 2013.

He says it like this: “I have a bunch of words bouncing around in my head. I put them down on paper.”

Otherwise, he is opinionated, honest, a libertarian minarchist, capitalist and agnostic. His interests are reading, writing, staying fit, travelling and being creative.

Where to find femigod online


The Gospel According to Femigod
Price: $3.20 USD. Words: 74,140. Language: British English. Published: November 22, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Atheism/Agnosticism
A fact-based, thought-provoking, unashamed agnostic dissection of the dominant themes that govern both mainstream and organised religion, from the perspective of an author who was fanatical about Christianity at the young age of 11!

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