Georgiann Baldino


Georgiann Baldino has been publishing fiction and nonfiction since 2004, primarily concerning the American Civil War era. Her 2018 book, A Family and Nation Under Fire, from Kent State University Press is a collection of previously unpublished journals and correspondence between Maj. William Medill, 8th Illinois Cavalry, and older brother Joseph, one of the influential owners of the Chicago Tribune. It was selected as a finalist for the Foreword Magazine, Inc. Book of the Year Awards for 2018 in the Adult Nonfiction category.

All other titles are out of print. Georgiann is grateful for the readers who have purchased her books and stories in the past. Thank you.

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
Three of my novels were published by small presses, which proved I was on the right track with my writing. But the process of finding a traditional publisher and waiting for royalties was disappointing. Then publishers and agents started to cut back, so it seemed natural to take advantage of the growing interest in ebooks, eliminate the gatekeepers and control my own fate. It's a great time to be a writer because of access to social media and self-publishing. Rather than spend time and money sending out queries, I polish and publish. Then let readers decide which stories they love.
What is your newest release?
"Glory for the Brave" is based on the real-life experiences of Charlotte McKay. In 1862 when Charlotte volunteered as a Union nurse, society condemned the idea of women caring for men outside their immediate families. Army nursing thrust her into a world of discrimination, alcohol abuse, and violence. The average age of a Civil War soldier was 25, but many were teenagers, living for the first time beyond parental and church restraints. Public scorn kept some females from pursuing positions altogether. Even if women behaved admirably, serving with the military could ruin reputations. Only rare heroines managed to endure battlefield conditions. Despite the overwhelming odds, Charlotte found a place in a male-dominated society and earned the gratitude of sick and wounded soldiers. The novel had the honor of being chosen as a finalist in the Bob Rich book edit contest.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Georgiann Baldino online


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Smashwords book reviews by Georgiann Baldino

  • Slow and Quiet, Drift Away on Oct. 31, 2010

    Barry gives readers a unique chance to become the main character in the story. Not many writers can put "you" in the story. Even fewer with the success that Barry does.
  • Spirit of the Once Walking on Nov. 07, 2011

    Babs creates an immediate sense of place. Her characters come alive. Great read.
  • My Donkey and the Master on Oct. 08, 2017

    A wonderful, unique view of the Nativity, author Callison blends little-known facts about Joseph and Mary into a seamless story.