Georgina Bruce


My fiction has appeared in various magazines and anthologies, including Black Static, Interzone, Strange Horizons, Ideomancer, Shimmer, Salt’s Best British Fantasy, Great British Horror, Best British Horror, and others, and has been short-/long-listed for various prizes including the Bridport Prize and Mslexia short story competition. In 2017 my story WHITE RABBIT won the British Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction. THIS HOUSE OF WOUNDS, my debut collection, is available to order from the publisher or through Amazon UK, US or Barnes and Noble.

Contact me by email: littleeggcups [at] or on twitter @monster_soup

Where to find Georgina Bruce online


This House of Wounds
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 71,340. Language: English. Published: December 26, 2019 by UndertowPubs. Categories: Fiction » Horror » Weird fiction
'This House of Wounds, by Georgina Bruce “Bruce’s collection of feminist, fantastical short stories has something to please nearly every taste. Bruce’s knack for ethereal tales that cut straight to the core of what it means to be a human (and specifically a woman) will delight readers who enjoy a smattering of the supernatural and blurred edges of reality.” Starred Review, Publishers Weekly

Georgina Bruce's tag cloud

dark    fairy tales    feminist    horror    literary    weird fiction