Saurav A.


Hello, my name is Saurav, and I am a pet enthusiast who loves to keep a wide range of pets.

I and my wife feels we have a unique connection with our pets. We currently own a pair of Love birds, A pair of Guinea pigs, A large planted tank with lots of fishes, A Red-Eye Slider, and Some other pets.

We are also the founder of, which is a well-known blog in the niche. The blog has got over half a million readers in the last one year and is continually growing.

I along with my wife spends most of his work time working on my pet blogs from home while the rest goes towards the care of these pets.

The motto of our life: To help other pet owners understand their pets better so that they can provide them with everything they need to live a long and healthy life. We believe even if we can help a single pet in the entire world then our hard work has paid off!

Where to find Saurav A. online


Guinea Pig Diet Plan For Beginners: A Complete Guide To What Your Guinea Pigs Can Eat
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 17,520. Language: English. Published: March 13, 2021 . Categories: Nonfiction » Home & Garden » Pets & livestock » Rodents
The book “Guinea Pig Diet Plan For Beginners” is a book for all Guinea pig owners who want to learn all about a healthy diet of guinea pigs.
Guinea Pig Care Book
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 41,870. Language: American English. Published: August 26, 2020 . Categories: Nonfiction » Home & Garden » Pets & livestock » Rodents
The book “Guinea Pig Care 101” is written by keeping the practical aspect of caring for our guinea pigs in mind. We have owned guinea pigs for several years now and we understand how hard it can be for a new owner to get it right! Thus, we have created this wonderful guide where we have covered all the practical aspects of owning a guinea pig and keeping them safe and healthy.