Hudson Mohawk Press LLC

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Hudson Mohawk Press is an independent publisher. We publish on a range of topics, including New Thought, comparative religion, philosophy, positive psychology, history and fiction. Our mission is to provide life-enhancing books that illuminate, inspire, motivate and entertain. We believe that positive change is possible through a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. Hudson Mohawk Press is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association.

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The Curcuruto Girls
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,680. Language: English. Published: March 14, 2015 by Hudson Mohawk Press LLC. Categories: Fiction » Cultural & ethnic themes » Cultural interest, general, Fiction » Inspirational
A collection of short stories based on the lives of five Italian-American sisters from the upstate New York town of Fulton that take place between the 1920’s and the 1950’s, based loosely on true stories about the sisters in their youth. Their stories remind us that human nature remains the same, even as the world around us has changed drastically since their time.

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