J.S. Reid


About the Author
Jacqueline Reid is a presenter, researcher, registered trainer and private consultant. Renowned for bringing to life the elephant in the room to achieve results, Reid has consulted to the federal government, the not for profit and corporate sectors and is the author of the Era of Psychological Injury, Liability and Litigation(EPILL) 2011 and Critical Containment Methodology (CCM) 2012.

Reid co-wrote the Fact sheets for the ten specified Personality Disorders (as per DSM-V4) with Sheryl Costin in 1999 and her paper on the Role of Peer Support in the Management of Cardiovascular Disease was presented at the National Chronic Disease Conference in 2004. Reid’s workplace program targeted at emotional management in the workplace was presented in the USA in 2009 and recently she hung up her hat as a volunteer advocate to concentrate on spending time with her chickens and continue current writing projects.

Where to find J.S. Reid online

Twitter: @jaq_reid


The Other Side of the Fence - Setting the record straight
Price: Free! Words: 42,670. Language: Australian English. Published: May 12, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Politics & Current Affairs » Civil & human rights
When you pick up the news paper and you see yourself in print being accused of attempting to blackmail a federal senator with the purpose of extorting money and none of it is true, you have to do something.... anything to clear your name. In the interest of setting the record straight, on behalf of the Curry, Coe and Batman families I present the Other Side of the Fence.

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