Judith Ferguson

Smashwords book reviews by Judith Ferguson

  • Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics on Jan. 08, 2012

    Although this book was written for alcoholics in recovery it is also valuable for those who are related to or friends of alcoholics who are still on the road. It gives a better understanding of the struggles of those who are in recovery by showing the juxtaposition to the struggles and suffering of Jesus as He carried the cross to the place where He would be crucified. The prayers and the illustrations make it real both historically and contemporarily. It is not something that happened in the past but it is brought forward to today and made personal. This book will speak to anyone who recognizes his/her imperfections, and is willing to admit them and to receive healing through the suffering of Christ.
  • The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts on May 06, 2012

    This book is appropriate for everyone, not just those in recovery. The meditations are adaptable to individual situations. They are thought-provoking and bring the rosary to shine light on "real life" challenges. The cover is durable and the quality of the paper is excellent. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to go beyond merely repeating the rosary prayers.