Kristine Phillips

Smashwords book reviews by Kristine Phillips

  • Between the Heaves of Storm on July 22, 2011

    Between the Heaves of Storm was so incredibly engaging. It will grab you and keep you until the very last word. I can't say enough about this story. It's absolutely flawless. I can't wait until the next book! ****CONTAINS MILD SPOILERS**** In this book, Azazel has lost her memory and her powers. She has no idea who she is only that she feels drawn to Jason and sets out to find him and join his community. She does not remember him, but it is clear to her that he knows who she is. Things get hot and heavy between them and Jason is becoming more and more violent and crazy, if that is even possible. Kieran has Azazel's powers and her memories and sets off with Jason's son, Chance, to find her. In this story, we finally see a change in Jason, he realizes he needs to change and wants Azazel to want him without the mind control and with her memories fully intact. Kieran, who I did like before mainly because I felt sorry for the guy, goes through some interesting changes. There is a cliffhanger at the end that will leave you dying for the next book. I highly recommend this incredibly fascinating series.