Leena Saldanha


Leena Saldanha is a poet (obviously), entrepreneur (reluctantly), storyteller (joyously) and self-anointed closet saint. No one believes the saint bit. But she tells anyone who’ll listen that that’s a situational hazard of staying in the closet. She writes on a wide range of subjects, but she is most passionate about giving voice to the stories of the muted, the strangled, the muzzled and the muffled.

Her day job is to run a successful brand consultancy. By night she sleeps the sound sleep of the innocent. Watch out for the unearthly early pre-dawn hours though. That’s when the madness takes over and she writes as if her life depended on it.

Wild Things is her second book of poems.

And she’s only just getting started… Her day job is to run a successful brand consultancy. By night she sleeps the sound sleep of the innocent. Watch out for the unearthly early pre-dawn hours though. That’s when the madness takes over and she writes as if her life depended on it. Wild Things is her second book of poems. And she’s only just getting started…


Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 13,630. Language: English. Published: October 10, 2018 by One Point Six Technologies Pvt Ltd. Categories: Poetry » Female authors
Wild Things is a book that compels you to participate in it. There is a visceral quality to the writing that makes you feel the poems in your bones and your stomach and perhaps even your little toe. Every poem pushes you out of your comfort zone; draws you out into the vast wilderness of raw, untameable honesty; teases you into throwing off the shackles of convention.

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