Liza Stanaland


Liza Stanaland is a novelist and freelance editor specializing in the speculative fiction genre including fantasy, science fantasy, dystopian fiction, and supernatural fiction. She briefly spent time as a musician, but became enamored with writing at a young age. Liza is currently earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Full Sail University. She and her husband, together, have eight kids, and English Mastiff, a Malti-poo, and five chickens. She is an avid reader, movie buff, and music aficionado.

Where to find Liza Stanaland online


The Flashtastic Three
Price: Free! Words: 2,810. Language: English. Published: April 29, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Escape into a whole new world, or just a funny one with this collection of comedy, supernatural, and fantasy flash fiction stories by Liza Stanaland. THE FLASHTASTIC THREE will make you laugh, cry, and cheer for the good guys. Follow each of the characters' stories and let your imagination run wild…or in Granny’s case, root for the ass-kicking old lady that loves her Johnny Walker Blue.

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Jordan Hall
Latest book: The Road So Far.
Published April 28, 2018. (4.00 from 1 review)