Luiz Penze


Luiz Penze was born in 1985, in Brazil, with pencil-in-hand. His passion for drawing came at a very early age, being influenced by the illustrative style and cartoon work of Japanese TV, and later by the notable Brazilian Painter Romero Britto and Campana Brothers.

Luiz studied classic painting for 8 years at Entrearts Painting School in Brazil and 1 year of professional photography. Luiz’s early work in Dourados (Brazil) included freelance illustration and commissioned portraits.

Luiz moved to Porto (Portugal) in 2005 to study Design at Belas Artes University. Following his study in Portugal, Luiz decided to move to London where the designers market was much more advanced and presented more opportunities.

In 2008 Luiz was awarded the first prize for his “Save the World campaign” as part of the South Bank University’s Sustainability Posters Design Competition 2008. He has recently completed (2011) a BSc (Hons) in Product Design at London South Bank University.

Luiz has continued painting, holding a number of private commissions for his artwork and photography. His ability to work with several mediums, including digital, has allowed Luiz to share his work with a much larger audience. Now with a presence on the internet, Luiz’s work is available world-wide.

Although he will tell you that the computer will never replace the feeling of brush on canvas or pen on paper, Luiz’s ability to use both traditional and digital tools has opened further windows of opportunity for him.

Where to find Luiz Penze online


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Luiz Penze's favorite authors on Smashwords

Ernest Winchester
Latest book: A Messenger, My Son's Life With Jesus.
Published June 3, 2015. (3.00 from 2 reviews)