Discipleship Press

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Discipleship Press is a South Sudanese book publishing service.
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Smashwords Interview

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I was born in Sudan (by then) and I grew up in that nation. Historically, Sudan entered into civil wars before its independence from British powers in 1956. In 1955, the first civil war between Khartoum and Juba started. That war ended in 1972 with Addis Ababa peace deal between Juba and Khartoum. Then in 1983, the second and longest civil war broke out between Juba and Khartoum again and I was born in that year. This war ended with Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Naivasha, Kenya on January 9 2005. You can see that almost in all my life, all I knew was war. But what influence my writing is the unusual man called Jesus. Even though there were many wars and killings including the death of all my 8 siblings, Jesus brings me hope and that is why I'm here today. After CPA and our independence, we need true peace in South Sudan. We also need technology and that is why I began writing about computers and how they work. I also write about peace making. Read my "Journeying with God" series for more information about my life and how I escaped death in many areas in my life.
Why do you choose self-publishing?
I did not choose self-publishing. I just find myself in such a situation for the following reasons. When I write my first book titled, "The Scarification" in 2012, I wanted to publish it. But the traditional publishers could not help me. I had to pay $650 or more for editing, design and publication and those days I was receiving a salary of 500 South Sudanese Pounds equivalent to $100 per a month. I tried all I can to get published, but the money issue could not allow me to do that. Because I could not pay for the service, I had only one option left and that means doing everything myself through a self-publishing platform such as Smashwords or KDP.
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Täŋ Piɛth Ku Luɔi
Price: Free! Words: 3,990. Language: Afrikaans. Published: July 29, 2014 by Discipleship Press. Categories: Nonfiction » Career Guides » Education
Ne baŋ tueŋ de buk, wok bi jam ne kë cɔl täŋ piɛth kekë luɔide. Täŋ piɛth yen eeŋö? Ku ee këpiɛɛth ŋö tɔ̈u e täŋ piɛth yic? Täŋ piɛth ee täŋ ye wok ŋiëc tak apiɛth ne baŋde paanda. Paan de Junub akɔɔr luɔi, ku acin raan däŋ pei raan bi paanda bɛ̈n looi ee wook wok kɔc ke Junub wapäc. Të ye wok ŋiëc tak apiɛth, abuk dhil ŋic nɔn tɔ̈u paan de Junub ke dït arët awär kë ye nɔmda tak.
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Series: Dinka Padang NT · South Sudan Tales. Price: Free! Words: 25,970. Language: Dinka Rek. Published: December 2, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Bibles » General
1 Awarek de kuen e dhienh ci Yecu Kritho dhieeth, ee Wen e Dabid, wen e Abraɣam. 2 Abraɣam aci Yithak dhieeth; ku dhieth Yithak Jakop; ku dhieth Jakop Juda ku wɛɛtwuun; 3 ku dhieth Juda Peredh ku Dhera e Tamar; ku dhieth Peredh Kedhron; ku dhieth Kedhron Aram; 4 ku dhieth Aram Aminadab; ku dhieth Aminadab Nacon; ku dhieth Nacɔn Thalmon; 5 ku dhieth Thalmon Boadh e Rakab; ku dhieth Boadh Obed.
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Smashwords book reviews by Discipleship Press

  • Smashwords Book Marketing Guide on July 16, 2013

    This book is the tool I need for marketing (not just selling) my books. Even though I knew many things before this book, such as setting up email signature, social websites usage, posting a notice on my blog and many more, my knowledge was reinforced, my self-publishing work is encouraged. The book is beyond marketing tips but a guide for publishers because it explains many things a self-publisher must know. The book is helpful. I love the concept Coker termed, "The Power of free". I have started putting into practice some thoughts in this book. Thanks Mark. Thumb up!
  • Knowledge. (Let Us Go And Get It) on Feb. 23, 2015
    (no rating)
    Kindly enable sampling that your visitors can read online or they can choose to download. This will help your readers in making decisions about your books. These are just my suggestions and you have a choice to make. John www.discipleshippress.com
  • Knowledge. (Let Us Go And Get It) on Feb. 23, 2015

    Kindly add more reading options (formats) to all your books. I realized that even "Western Economic Lessons & Poverty in Third world" is only available in epub. Kindly take my advice. John www.discipleshippress.com
  • Editor's Notebook on April 28, 2015

    Great book out there. I have read a lot and I have written many more tips about Indie Book Editing. One important thing the writer reminded me of, is making my e-book cover to 1600w x 2400px. I have not obeyed this rule from Smashwords until today. Thanks to author. Oh! Almost forgot something. The writer is also very funny, making the reading great even for the geeks like myself. Well, I'm still and I think I will always be a learner. John