Melinda Delisle


Melinda Delisle, LCCE is a Lamaze-certified childbirth educator, avid researcher, and labor doula. She began teaching childbirth classes in 2000. Melinda has spent a number of years gathering the information for and working on the Pocket Pregnancy™ Health System. Once Melinda began using the beta version of Pocket Pregnancy™ in her classes, she saw a dramatic decrease in premature babies and other complications among her students. Her two children were both born naturally using the suggestions she teaches, and with lots of help from her husband, Shawn.


Pocket Pregnancy Guide to What to Do When Pregnant, Free Edition
Price: Free! Words: 7,190. Language: American English. Published: September 15, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Pregnancy & Child Birth, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Women's health
(4.00 from 1 review)
This FREE short e-book gives an overview of steps you can take to feel better during pregnancy, reduce your risk of complications, have a more enjoyable birth, and give your baby the best possible start you can, read this free guide to find out more about how Pocket Pregnancy™ works. Pocket Pregnancy™ is based on the ROADS™ of healthy pregnancy: Relaxation, Options, Activity, Diet and Support.