MontUHURU Mimia


MontUHURU Mimia is a novelist, non-fiction, short story, script and song writer, who's working to reverse all the anglophilic tendencies he may have picked up in the american educational system. He's also researching and practicing the spiritual sciences of his ancestors.

Where to find MontUHURU Mimia online


Price: Free! Words: 4,090. Language: English. Published: February 2, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » African American fiction » Mystery & detective
Brent Grimes has risen through the ranks of his fraternity to become Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. Shortly afterwards, he's summoned to his frat's headquarters in Chicago, where he'll be briefed on their latest plan for his district. But what Brent doesn't know is his frat's course of action in Newark, will change his life forever.
The Coup of Carrots (Remix)
Price: Free! Words: 6,120. Language: English. Published: December 2, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » African American fiction » General
Brent Grimes is summoned by his fraternity to eradicate a problem threatening their agenda on a foreign soil. While he knows he'll need all his wits about him to accomplish the task, what he doesn't know, is his frat has been keeping a centuries old secret, not only from him, but from the world at large. A secret so shocking, even he's reluctant to believe its truth.
Price: Free! Words: 3,300. Language: English. Published: June 29, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » African American fiction » General
Brent Grimes is listed as a homeless resident of the East Side Men's shelter...only thing is, he's not homeless. Not only that, but his annual salary is well above the six figure mark. Brent's fraternity has him commissioned to perform a certain task at the East Side; and if he fails, his boss will make him pay dearly for coming up short.
The Miseducation of Michelle Rhee
Price: Free! Words: 2,640. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Business biography
Michelle Rhee was sold to the public as the savior of the Washington D.C. school system. She was an ivy league darling who would be the person to finally reform the swarthy denizens of its poor neighborhoods and make them see the true value of an education. But the reformations she would initiate after becoming School Chancellor would have her looking more like Lex Luthor than Superman.
Revering Revolutionaries
Price: Free! Words: 9,110. Language: English. Published: May 11, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Celebrity biography
Is the Black Diaspora ready to get free? I mean free from the tyranny of western fascists and their institutions; well, here's the tale of four brothas who dared to challenge the western status quo, while leaving a blueprint for the rest of us to follow; brotha Wesley Snipes, Dave Chappelle, Kat Williams and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe.