M.M.A. Truckle


The author, who is in her late seventies, has been married three times and is still with her third husband after thirty one years. She has lived in Wiltshire for the past forty three years, and has three daughters, who are themselves either married or in relationships.
She has travelled extensively, both at home and abroad, visiting Australia, where her eldest daughter lives, on several occasions.
For a short period in her life, she owned her own shop, where she sold fabrics and made curtains, until ill health forced her to give it up. But she continues with crafts of various types, including sugar-craft which uses icing as a raw material. She has had several short articles, including poetry, published in various magazines.

Where to buy in print


Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 31,220. Language: British English. Published: October 21, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Personal memoir
This book is the autobiography of Mooneen Truckle, and charts the seventy-nine years of her life culminating in thirty one years of marriage to her husband David.

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