Mpumi Ntombela


I am a Christian author.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I first started writing when I was 13 years old, writing fiction short stories and novellas, but it was just a hobby then, nothing serious. I took it up again in my early twenties but because of busyness and preoccupation with my job I couldn't find enough time to write. I re-started writing, full-time, in 2012 and this time I specialise in Christian non-fiction.
What's your upcoming book about?
My upcoming book is about living single in the Christian context. It is focused on single born-again Christians and the different challenges we come up against and how to navigate around them, bringing glory to God in the process.
Read more of this interview.


Make The Leap
Price: Free! Words: 13,950. Language: English (South African dialect). Published: July 16, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christianity
This book is aimed at people who are contemplating giving their lives to Jesus Christ but find that they are unclear about what they are getting themselves into. Newly converted Christians will also benefit from it since it deals with the baby steps of Christianity.It basically answers the most common questions would-be believers have about the Christian lifestyle.

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Smashwords book reviews by Mpumi Ntombela

  • Wilderness Wisdom on Aug. 02, 2013

    Great book. It speaks right to the circumstances I find myself in at the moment and has answered a lot of questions I have been asking God. It couldn't have come at a better time! It has made me realise that I am going through what I am going through because God is taking me someplace better. I highly recommend it to anyone who is going through a tough time!
  • Speaking In Tongues on Aug. 07, 2013

    This is an informative book. Having been recently baptised in the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues, it has explained some things I was not clear on and given me some insights.