Devajit Bhuyan


Black Lives Matter Thai Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,250. Language: Thai. Published: August 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
การเลือกปฏิบัติทางเชื้อชาติในยุโรปและอเมริกาในนามของสีผิวยังคงเป็นสถานการณ์ที่พบเห็นอยู่ โควิด-19 ได้มีผลกระทบอย่างไม่เท่าเทียมกับชุมชนสีดำในอเมริกา จำนวนการเสียชีวิตของคนสีดำระหว่างช่วงสูงสุดของโควิด-19 สะท้อนสภาวะเศรษฐกิจและสังคมของชาวอเมริกันสีดำ คนสีดำได้รับการดูแลทางการแพทย์ที่น้อยกว่า มีการเข้าถึงบริการดูแลสุขภาพน้อยลง ไม่มีประกันสุขภาพและอาหารที่มีประโยชน์น้อยกว่า พวกเขายังมีงานที่มีความสำค
Nyawa Orang Berkulit Hitam Penting
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,040. Language: Malay. Published: August 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Diskriminasi berdasarkan kaum di Eropah dan Amerika di dalam nama warna kulit masih berleluasa. COVID-19 telah memberi impak secara tidak proporsional kepada komuniti berkulit Hitam di Amerika. Jumlah kematian orang berkulit Hitam semasa tempoh puncak covid19 mencerminkan realiti sosial dan ekonomi orang Amerika berkulit Hitam. Mereka menerima penjagaan perubatan yang lebih rendah, memiliki akses
Black Lives Matter Vietnamese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 24,470. Language: Vietnamese. Published: August 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Discrimination chủng tộc ở Châu Âu và Mỹ dưới cái danh màu da vẫn còn tồn tại. COVID-19 đã ảnh hưởng một cách không cân đối đối với cộng đồng người da đen tại Mỹ. Số lượng người da đen tử vong trong giai đoạn đỉnh điểm của đại dịch covid19 phản ánh thực tế xã hội và kinh tế của người Mỹ gốc Phi. Người Mỹ gốc Phi nhận được sự chăm sóc y tế kém chất lượng, có ít cơ hội tiếp cận chăm sóc y tế, bảo
Mahalaga ang Black Lives
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,090. Language: Filipino. Published: August 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Ang diskriminasyon batay sa lahi sa Europa at Amerika sa pangalan ng kulay ay patuloy pa rin. Labis na naapektuhan ng COVID-19 ang mga komunidad ng mga Itim na tao sa Amerika. Ang bilang ng mga namatay na mga Itim na tao noong peak ng panahon ng covid19 ay nagpapakita ng sosyal at ekonomikong katotohanan ng mga Amerikanong Itim. Nakatanggap ng mas mababang pangangalaga sa kalusugan ang mga
Black Lives Matter Indonesian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 15,960. Language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Published: August 24, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Diskriminasi rasial di Eropa dan Amerika atas nama warna kulit masih berlangsung. COVID-19 secara tidak proporsional berdampak pada komunitas Kulit Hitam di Amerika. Jumlah kematian orang kulit hitam selama periode puncak covid19 mencerminkan realitas sosial dan ekonomi dari orang Amerika berkulit Hitam. Orang Amerika berkulit Hitam menerima perawatan medis yang lebih rendah, memiliki akses yang
Black Lives Matter Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,160. Language: Chinese. Published: August 24, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Black Lives Matter Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,280. Language: Japanese. Published: August 24, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
肌の色を理由にしたヨーロッパとアメリカにおける人種差別はまだ広がっています。COVID-19はアメリカの黒人コミュニティに過度に影響を与えました。ピーク時のCOVID-19の期間中における黒人の死者数は、黒人アメリカ人の社会的および経済的な現実を反映しています。黒人アメリカ人は医療ケアが劣る状況にあり、医療、健康保険、健康的な食品へのアクセスが制限されています。また、彼らは病院の清掃員、倉庫作業員、食品サービスの従業員など、より未加工で有害な形態のコロナウイルスと接触する必要不可欠な一線の労働者としてより多くの雇用を受けています。2020年5月25日のミネアポリスで警察がジョージ・フロイドを殺害したピーク時のCOVID-19期間中、”Black Lives Matter”のデモがアメリカの多くの地域に広がりました。多くの人々が命を失いました。本の中の詩は、その期間中に抗議する人々と連帯し
La Indiana Portuguese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 22,710. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"As mulheres indianas são corajosas, fortes, diretas, bonitas e inteligentes. As mulheres indianas estão sempre na vanguarda da cultura indiana, religião, educação e governança. A epopeia do Hinduísmo, Ramayana e Mahabharata, gira em torno de Sita e Draupadi. As mulheres também são adoradas até hoje na forma de Deusa em muitas partes da Índia. As mulheres indianas modernas são de mentalidade
La Indiana Dutch Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,000. Language: Dutch. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Indiase vrouwen zijn moedig, sterk, recht door zee, mooi en intelligent. Indiase vrouwen staan altijd vooraan in de Indiase cultuur, religie, onderwijs en bestuur. Het epos van het hindoeïsme, de Ramayana en de Mahabharata, draait om Sita en Draupadi. Vrouwen worden zelfs vandaag de dag nog vereerd in de vorm van godinnen in veel delen van India. De moderne Indiase vrouwen van vandaag zijn
La Indiana German Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 22,500. Language: German. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"ndische Frauen sind mutig, stark, direkt, schön und intelligent. Indische Frauen stehen immer an vorderster Front der indischen Kultur, Religion, Bildung und Regierungsführung. Die Epen des Hinduismus, Ramayana und Mahabharata, drehen sich um Sita und Draupadi. Frauen werden auch heute noch in vielen Teilen Indiens in Form von Göttinnen verehrt. Die modernen indischen Frauen von heute sind
La Indiana Greek Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,570. Language: Greek. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Οι Ινδικές γυναίκες είναι τολμηρές, ισχυρές, απερίσκεπτες, όμορφες και έξυπνες. Οι Ινδικές γυναίκες βρίσκονται πάντα στην πρωτοπορία του ινδικού πολιτισμού, της θρησκείας, της εκπαίδευσης και της διακυβέρνησης. Το επικό έργο του ινδουισμού, Ραμαγιάνα και Μαχαμπχαράτα, περιστρέφεται γύρω από τη Σίτα και τη Δραουπαδί. Οι γυναίκες λατρεύονται ακόμα και σήμερα υπό τη μορφή θεάς σε πολλά μέρη της
La Indiana Italian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,740. Language: Italian. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Le donne indiane sono coraggiose, forti, dirette, belle e intelligenti. Le donne indiane sono sempre in prima linea nella cultura, religione, istruzione e governo indiani. L’epopea dell’Induismo, il Ramayana e il Mahabharata ruotano attorno a Sita e Draupadi. Le donne sono ancora adorate oggi sotto forma di Dea in molte parti dell’India. Le donne indiane moderne sono orientate al progresso,
La Indiana French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,140. Language: French. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Les femmes indiennes sont audacieuses, fortes, franches, belles et intelligentes. Les femmes indiennes sont toujours en première ligne de la culture indienne, de la religion, de l’éducation et de la gouvernance. L’épopée de l’hindouisme, le Ramayana et le Mahabharata, tourne autour de Sita et Draupadi. Les femmes sont également vénérées encore aujourd’hui sous forme de déesses dans de nombreuses
La Indiana Turkish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,270. Language: Turkish. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Hint kadınlar cesur, güçlü, açık sözlü, güzel ve zeki. Hint kadınları her zaman Hint kültürünün, dininin, eğitiminin ve yönetiminin ön saflarında yer almışlardır. Hinduizmin destanları olan Ramayana ve Mahabharata Sita ve Draupadi etrafında döner. Kadınlar Hindistan’ın birçok bölgesinde hala Tanrıça şeklinde tapılmaktadırlar. Modern Hint kadınları ilerici düşünceli, modern, teknolojiye hakim ve
La Indiana Romanian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 22,700. Language: Romanian. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Femeile indiene sunt îndrăznețe, puternice, directe, frumoase și inteligente. Femeile indiene sunt mereu în prima linie a culturii indiene, religiei, educației și guvernării. Epopeea hinduismului, Ramayana și Mahabharata, gravitează în jurul lui Sita și Draupadi. Femeile sunt încă adorate și astăzi sub forma unei zeițe în multe părți ale Indiei. Femeile indiene din zilele noastre sunt deschise
La Indiana Spanish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,750. Language: Spanish. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Indiska kvinnor är djärva, starka, raka, vackra och intelligenta. Indiska kvinnor är alltid i framkant av indisk kultur, religion, utbildning och styrning. Hinduismens episka berättelser, Ramayana och Mahabharata, kretsar kring Sita och Draupadi. Kvinnor blir också dyrkade än idag i form av gudinnor i många delar av Indien. Nutida indiska kvinnor är progressivt tänkande, moderna, teknikvana och
La Indiana Korean Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,970. Language: Korean. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
인도 여성들은 대담하고 강하며 직설적이며 아름답고 지혜로운 존재입니다. 인도 여성들은 항상 인도 문화, 종교, 교육 및 통치의 선두에 서 있습니다. 힌두교의 서사시 '라마얀'과 '마하바라타'는 시타와 드라우파디를 중심으로 이야기가 전개됩니다. 여성들은 인도의 많은 지역에서 여전히 여신의 형상으로 숭배를 받습니다. 현대의 인도 여성들은 진보적인 마인드를 가지고 있으며 현대적 이며 기술에 능통하면서도 완벽한 가정 주부이자 어머니입니다. 미탈리 부얀은 현대 인도 여성들의 진정한 대표 중 한 명으로 대 담하고 아름답고 지혜롭게 여성들의 권리를 위해 싸우며 천년 개 발 목표와 여성 평등을 위해 싸웠습니다. 그녀는 이제 더 이상 우 리와 함께하지는 않지만, 여성들의 성별 차별과 착취에 맞서기 위 해 서서야 한다는
La Indiana Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,830. Language: Chinese. Published: August 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
印度女性勇敢、強大、直率、美麗且聰慧。印度女性總是處於印度文 化、宗教、教育和治理的前沿。印度教史詩《羅摩衍那》和《馬哈巴 拉塔》圍繞著希塔(Sita)和卓帕蒂(Draupadi)展開。女性在印度許 多地方如今仍被崇拜,以女神的形式存在。現代印度女性思想進步。 現代化,精通技術,同時也是完美的家庭主婦和母親。米塔利·布揚 (Mitali Bhuyan)是現代印度女性的真正代表之一,勇敢、美丽、聘 明,始終站在為女性事業辯護,為女性平等和千禧發展目標而戰。俸 管她現在已經不在人世,但她仍然激勵著我們,站起來反對性別歧視 和對女性的剝削。這本名為《拉印度那:貢獻者Mitalal的聰明女人心的 書是她悲痛的生活伴侶在她的生日送給米塔利的小小致敬。
La Indiana Swedish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,190. Language: Swedish. Published: August 12, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Indiska kvinnor är djärva, starka, raka, vackra och intelligenta. Indiska kvinnor är alltid i framkant av indisk kultur, religion, utbildning och styrning. Hinduismens episka berättelser, Ramayana och Mahabharata, kretsar kring Sita och Draupadi. Kvinnor dyrkas även idag i form av gudinnor i många delar av Indien. Nutida indiska kvinnor är progressiva, moderna, teknikvana och samtidigt utmärkta
La Indiana Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,810. Language: Japanese. Published: August 11, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
La Indiana Russian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,360. Language: Russian. Published: August 11, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Индийские женщины смелы, сильны, прямолинейны, красивы и умны. Индийские женщины всегда на переднем плане индийской культуры, религии, образования и управления. Эпос индуизма, “Рамаяна” и “Махабхарата”, вращается вокруг Ситы и Драупади. Женщины также почитаются даже сегодня в облике богини во многих частях Индии. Современные индийские женщины - это прогрессивно мыслящие, современные,
COVID19 Polish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 14,980. Language: Polish. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Istnieje wiele podobieństw między poezją a fizyką. Oba są wewnętrznymi badaniami natury. Oba są filozofią życia i natury. Oba są uzupełniające, jak dwie strony tej samej monety. Kiedy fizyka zawodzi w wyjaśnianiu życia, pochodzenia wszechświata, ludzkości i jej przyszłości, wtedy poezja wkracza do akcji. Kiedy poezja się kończy, a zaczynają się inne rzeczywistości życiowe, przydaje się fizyka. Ta
Covid19 Portugese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,830. Language: Portuguese. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Existem muitas semelhanças entre a Poesia e a Física. Ambas são estudos internos da natureza. Ambas são filosofias da vida e da natureza. Ambas são complementares, como dois lados de uma moeda. Quando a Física não consegue explicar a vida, a origem do universo, a humanidade e o seu futuro, então a poesia entra em cena. Quando a Poesia termina e outras realidades da vida começam, a Física se torna
Covid19 Malay Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 15,960. Language: Malay. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Terdapat banyak persamaan antara Puisi dan Fizik. Keduanya adalah kajian dalaman tentang alam. Keduanya adalah filsafat kehidupan dan alam. Keduanya saling melengkapi, seperti dua sisi koin. Apabila Fizik gagal menjelaskan kehidupan, asal-usul alam semesta, manusia, dan masa depannya, maka puisi datang membantu. Apabila Puisi berakhir dan realiti kehidupan lain bermula, Fizik menjadi berguna.
COVID19 Danish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,110. Language: Danish. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Der er mange ligheder mellem poesi og fysik. Begge er indre studier af naturen. Begge er filosofier om livet og naturen. Begge er komplementære, som to sider af en mønt. Når fysik ikke kan forklare livet, universets oprindelse, menneskeheden og dens fremtid, kommer poesien ind i billedet. Når poesien ender, og andre realiteter i livet begynder, bliver fysikken nyttig. Denne bog er skrevet under
COVID19 Greek Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,860. Language: Greek. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Υπάρχουν πολλές ομοιότητες ανάμεσα στην Ποίηση και τη Φυσική. Και οι δύο είναι εσωτερικές μελέτες της φύσης. Και οι δύο είναι φιλοσοφίες της ζωής και της φύσης. Και οι δύο είναι αλληλοσυμπληρούμενες, σαν δύο όψεις του ίδιου νομίσματος. Όταν η Φυσική αποτυγχάνει να εξηγήσει τη ζωή, την προέλευση του σύμπαντος, την ανθρωπότητα και το μέλλον της, τότε μπαίνει η ποίηση. Όταν η Ποίηση τελειώνει και
COVID19 Dutch Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,490. Language: Dutch. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Er zijn veel overeenkomsten tussen poëzie en natuurkunde. Beide zijn innerlijke studies van de natuur. Beide zijn filosofieën van het leven en de natuur. Beide vullen elkaar aan, als twee zijden van een munt. Wanneer natuurkunde niet in staat is om het leven, de oorsprong van het universum, de mensheid en haar toekomst te verklaren, komt poëzie naar voren. Wanneer poëzie eindigt en andere
Covid19 German Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,770. Language: German. Published: April 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Es gibt viele Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Poesie und Physik. Beide sind innere Studien der Natur. Beide sind Philosophien des Lebens und der Natur. Beide sind komplementär, wie zwei Seiten einer Münze. Wenn die Physik versagt, das Leben, den Ursprung des Universums, die Menschheit und ihre Zukunft zu erklären, dann kommt die Poesie ins Spiel. Wenn die Poesie endet und andere Realitäten des Lebens
Covid19 Spanish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,370. Language: Spanish. Published: April 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Hay muchas similitudes entre la poesía y la física. Ambas son estudios internos de la naturaleza. Ambas son filosofías de la vida y la naturaleza. Ambas son complementarias, como dos caras de una moneda. Cuando la física no puede explicar la vida, el origen del universo, la humanidad y su futuro, entonces entra en juego la poesía. Cuando la poesía termina y comienzan otras realidades de la vida,
Le Vite dei Neri Contano
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,480. Language: Italian. Published: April 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La discriminazione razziale in Europa e America in nome del colore è ancora diffusa. COVID-19 ha colpito in modo sproporzionato le comunità nere in America. Il numero di morti di persone di colore durante il picco del periodo covid19 riflette la realtà sociale ed economica degli americani di colore. Gli americani di colore hanno ricevuto cure mediche inferiori, hanno avuto meno accesso all’
Siyahların Hayatı Önemlidir
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,240. Language: Turkish. Published: April 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Renk adına Avrupa ve Amerika’da ırk ayrımcılığı hala yaygındır. COVID-19, Amerika’daki Siyah toplulukları orantısız bir şekilde etkiledi. Covid-19 döneminin zirvesinde Siyah insanların ölüm sayıları, Siyah Amerikalıların sosyal ve ekonomik gerçekliğini yansıtır. Siyah Amerikalılar daha az sağlık hizmetine, sağlık sigortasına ve sağlıklı gıdaya erişime sahip oldukları için daha düşük kalitede tıbbi
COVID19 French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,110. Language: French. Published: April 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Il y a beaucoup de similitudes entre la poésie et la physique. Les deux sont des études internes de la nature. Les deux sont des philosophies de la vie et de la nature. Les deux sont complémentaires, comme les deux faces d’une pièce de monnaie. Lorsque la physique échoue à expliquer la vie, l’origine de l’univers, l’humanité et son avenir, alors la poésie entre en jeu. Lorsque la poésie se termine
La Indiana
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,510. Language: English. Published: April 11, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Indian women are bold, strong, straightforward, beautiful, and intelligent. Indian women are always in the forefront of Indian culture, religion, education, and governance. The epic of Hinduism, Ramayana and Mahabharata revolves around Sita and Draupadi. Women are also worshiped even today in the form of Goddess in many parts of India. The modern-day Indian women are progressive minded, modern,
Focus Focus And Focus
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,690. Language: English. Published: February 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”- Alexander Graham Bell “I learned that focus is key. Not just in your running a company, but in your personal life as well.” – Tim Cook
What Civilization Is Not
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,330. Language: English. Published: February 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Civilization is in a race between education and catastrophe. Let us learn the truth and spread it as far and wide as our circumstances allow. For the truth is the greatest weapon we have.”- H. G. WellsWhenever we speak about civilization, we understand is a society characterized by the existence of the state that has developed culture, language, a writing system, books, curre
Life Is Beautiful
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,930. Language: English. Published: February 9, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The world is beautiful. Our life is also beautiful. It is in our own hand how we can refine our beautiful life and make the world a beautiful, refined place to live in. However, for greed of money, we ourselves destroy our beautiful life and pollute world with hatred, violence, and dishonesty. The purpose of life is to understand the beauty of life and complete the journey in world in a happy tone
Chasing Wild Goose Will Not Give Golden Egg
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,280. Language: English. Published: February 3, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Majority of young people chase wild goose in the name of career. This is because of peer and parental pressure. Every year lakhs of students went to Kota in Rajasthan to chase their dream of joining IIT, without knowing their potential and capability only because their friends are going. But only 4 to 5% succeeded in cracking IIT JEE and 95% returned home dejected, frustrated losing two/three
Black Lives Matter
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,400. Language: English. Published: January 23, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Racial discrimination in Europe and America in the name of colour is still prevalent. COVID-19 had disproportionately impacted Black communities in America. The number of deaths of black people during peak covid19 period reflect the social and economic reality of Black Americans. Black Americans received inferior medical care, had less access to healthcare, health insurance and healthy food.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 15,780. Language: English. Published: November 22, 2022 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
There are lots of similarities between Poetry and Physics. Both are inner studies of nature. Both are philosophies of life and nature. Both are complementary, like two sides of a coin. When Physics fails to explain life, the origin of the universe, mankind and its future, then poetry comes in.

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