Noel Reid


Planning is great. Yet with the most meticulous plan, an expected outcome isn't a guarantee; so, I embrace life moment to moment, sampling its individual spice along the way.

I view life through creative lenses; in that, my simplest encounter is not taken for granted. The masterpiece of my dreams is a wordy painting bearing syntax that resonates (spiritually) with my audience. And, the dessert portion of that literary dream is a wholesome gulp of laughter.


Fowl Taste
Price: Free! Words: 830. Language: English. Published: November 23, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Adventure » General
(1.00 from 2 reviews)
Chickens aren't just for the dinner-plate, cockfighting or laying eggs. They have a personality all to their own. This e-book, "Fowl Taste" (by Noel T. Reid) is a comedic synoptic interlude with some commuting chickens.

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