Paul Tierney


I am a eleven-year resident of Tokyo and love this amazing city. In addition to my writing, I run a business offering unique History/Art Walks in historic parts of Tokyo.I also work as a researcher for Meiji University's Tokyo Edo Radio project, specializing in the history of Edo/Tokyo.

My goal (my passion?) is to shed more light on the daily life and culture of Edo and bring this vibrant back to life for a non-Japanese speaking audience.

My small house with a small garden, shared with my lovely wife and son, is six minutes from the station and is in a small neighborhood that is filled with the sounds of laughing children.

Where to find Paul Tierney online


The Pride of Edo: Tobi and the Fire Brigades
You set the price! Words: 20,170. Language: English. Published: May 23, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » Asian » Asia / Japan
Fires were so common in Edo that they gave birth to a saying: "fires and fights are the flowers of Edo." The men who formed the backbone of Edo's fire brigades were both feared and admired. They were the pre-cursors to the Yakuza, Japan's mafia. An in-depth look at the development of Edo's fire brigades - the first of its kind in English - this book examines their birth and impact on the city.
A World Apart: The Rise and Fall of Saruwaka-cho
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 12,980. Language: English. Published: September 19, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » Asian
Tracing the development of Edo's (pre-modern Tokyo)kabuki district, many behind the scenes dramas - amongst shogunate officials vying for power, between the actors and owners of the theatres, between the owners and investors - are revealed in this detailed history. Even in Tokugawa period Japan, government and big business worked hand in hand to protect their own interests.

Paul Tierney's tag cloud

edo    fire    history    japan    kabuki    theatre    tokyo