Randall S. Hansen


Psychedelic marketer. Advocate for all things healing: nature, food, wellness, love, and entheogenic plant medicine. INFJ. Writing a book: Our Journeys of Healing Through Psychedelic Plant Medicines (and Other Psychedelics)

Dr. Randall S. Hansen, CEO of EmpoweringSites.com, has been educating and empowering people his entire adult life -- to help them better their lives. In fact, empowerment is part of his professional philosophy statement.

Dr. Hansen uses his college teaching, books, websites, personal appearances, and workshops as a way to empower as many people as possible.

Dr. Hansen is an expert on marketing, psychedelics, wellness, health, and healing.

Dr. Hansen is often quoted in the media and conducts empowering workshops around the country. Hansen is also an educator, having taught marketing at the college level for more than 20 years. He is also the founder of Quintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the web, which he sold to LiveCareer in 2015.

Where to find Randall S. Hansen online

Where to buy in print


Triumph Over Trauma: Psychedelic Medicines Are Helping People Heal Their Trauma, Change Their Lives, and Grow Their Spirituality
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 94,930. Language: English. Published: February 2, 2023 . Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Healing
Does your life need transforming? Are you seeking an alternative to suffering or taking mind-numbing prescription pills? Are you looking to get closer to God or the Divine? Read these inspirational and powerful stories that people from all spectrums of life share; you’ll find self-love and acceptance – and perhaps a path for your own transformation. What are you waiting for? Transform YOUR life.

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