Roger Crook


I was born in Liverpool, UK and spent much of my early life, both during and after WWII in North Wales. After a spell in an elite British Army Regiment and then agricultural college, my wife and I and our first daughter came to Western Australia in 1967.
We have spent our life in agriculture from wheat and sheep farming to managing a one million acre cattle station in the far north of this State.
After more than 20 years in international agribusiness, which took me all over the world, we retired a few years ago, partly due to ill health (all better now thank you!)
We have two daughters and three grandchildren.
We live in Albany in Western Australia, which is about as far south as one can go.
This is a beautiful part of the world, put 'Albany Western Australia' into your search engine and you will, I am sure agree.
The sequel to 'Hearts of Stone', 'Flight to Australia' is now on Smashwords.


Flight to Australia
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 142,020. Language: English. Published: July 5, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
After leaving the British Home Office Counter Terrorism Unit, David McGonigal shoots and kills a demented Catholic fanatic as he attempts to assassinate his famous mother, Dr Phyllis McGonigal.The IRA force David and his wife of a few months, Barbara, into exile. On their first day in Western Australia there is a bomb.Have the IRA reneged on their deal? No,someone wants David’s Uncle, Paul, dead.
Hearts of Stone
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 99,170. Language: English. Published: July 4, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Spies & espionage
Just prior to WWII, Brendan McGonigal a rich Irish cattle dealer, exiled to North Wales from Ireland as a student by powerful political forces, marries Phyllis, a medical student and daughter of a poor hill farmer.Thirty years later their son, David, an ex member of the Home Office Counter Terrorism Unit, has his placid life shattered as a rogue IRA cell threatens those dear to him.

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