Austin American-Statesman


The Austin American-Statesman was first published in 1871 by the leader of the Democratic Party in the Austin area as the Democratic Statesman. In 1924, the Austin American-Statesman and the Democratic Statesman merged and expanded publication from 3 days to 7 days a week. It focuses coverage on issues affecting Austin and the Central Texas region

Acquired by Cox Enterprises in 1976, the Austin American-Statesman is part of Cox Media Group, a subsidiary which joined the corporation's television, radio and newspaper assets in 2008.

In 1981, The Statesman moved from its downtown location to the south shore of Lady Bird Lake where its operations overlook Austin's downtown skyline and the Ann Richards Congress Avenue Bridge.

Readers have access to multiple digital products including iPhone and iPad apps,, and replica versions of the newspaper across all multiple mobile devices. Over two million people rely on and as their news resource each month.

Where to find Austin American-Statesman online


ACL Music Fest: Rockin' Coverage 2002-2011
Price: Free! Words: 44,310. Language: English. Published: October 4, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Entertainment » Music, Nonfiction » Entertainment » Outdoor activities
With a timeline of articles and photos spanning 2002 to 2011, the Austin American-Statesman's award winning editorial staff and contributors trace the evolution of the Austin City Limits Music Festival from a small regional event in Austin’s Zilker Park to one of the country’s premiere destination music festivals. We recreate moments that will resonate with festival attendees and music fans alike.

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