Stillpoint Digital Press

Publisher info

Stillpoint Digital Press is a publisher of fine ebook, audiobook, and print editions in genres from fiction to literary nonfiction, from memoir to poetry. It aims to provide digital publishing with a human face, offering a full range of editorial services, from editing, layout and ebook conversion to distribution and marketing.

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Seasons of the Sword
Can one girl win a war? Kano Murasaki, called Risuko (Squirrel), is a young fatherless girl, more comfortable climbing trees than down on the ground. Yet she finds herself enmeshed in a game where the board is the whole nation of Japan, where the pieces are armies, moved by scheming lords, and a single girl couldn’t possibly have the power to change the outcome. Or could she? (Historical adventure fiction appropriate for teen readers)
Keeping Time
You only THINK you know what happened at Waterloo. The real story involved more monsters. And a lot more time travel. It’s 1815, and Wellington’s badly-outnumbered army stares across the field of Waterloo at Napoleon’s forces. Desperate to hold until reinforcements arrive, Wellington calls upon a race of monsters created by a mad Genevese scientist 25 years before. It’s 1815, and a discontented young lady sitting in a rose garden receives a mysterious gift: a pocket watch that, when opened, displays scenes from all eras of history. Past…and future. It’s 1885, and a small band of resistance fighters are resorting to increasingly extreme methods in their efforts to overthrow a steampunk Empire whose clockwork gears are slick with its subjects’ blood. Are these events connected? Oh, come now. That would be telling. (Science fiction: historical fantasy, time travel, dystopias, Regency romance, adventure)
Kunoichi Companion Tales
David Kudler, author of Risuko: A Kunoichi Tale, is releasing a series of prequels to his upcoming teen historical novel novel. Available to subscribers, Kunoichi Companion Tales introduce characters and themes from the Seasons of the Sword novels, and are currently available exclusively to Risuko subscribers.
Over the Top
Danny loves Suzie. Suzie loves Danny. Everything should be simple, right? Of course not. What would be the fun in that? (New adult erotic romance)
The Visitor
It's the world's oldest story: a girl, her fireman, and her other fireman. ★★★★★! The Visitor series of stories… blow the lid off of a 5 rating! — The Romance Reviews
Friendly Menage Tales
Stories about groups of friends becoming much more than friendly! (Polyamory, bisexual romance)
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