Robert G Stitt


My first book was "Clacker Cosmos". My next book will be "BBC Lies". I love the BBC but the mistakes, assumptions and beautifully written propaganda at times, about climate change, have to be commented on. Disappearing Islands that aren't, endangered animals that are thriving, reluctant apologies. A must read for those interested in propaganda. Also a look at who is responsible for directing this bias and possible hidden agendas. My email is

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your book?
I wanted to investigate theories and hypotheses about the Universe as the current ones taken as a whole were piecemeal. They were of varying ages and varying levels of credibility and felt that scientists had been saying for about eighty years "Well...what else could it be?". We also have two different branches of science; cosmology and particle physics, that can run quite separately from one another. A setup with many blindspots. I felt a more coherent investigation was required. I had a lot of trouble writing the book and eventually realised illustrations were vital for the reader to absorb the huge numbers and scales involved, and also the text..
Why did you write this book?
I wanted to get my theory/hypotheses out there for two reasons. One so that I could always say I was first, I came up with the Clacker Cosmos Theory, lol. And two I imagined/hoped I might make a few bob.
Read more of this interview.


clacker cosmos video promo
I made a video which briefly spells out the content of the book. So if you want to save time watch the video, then maybe come back to the book.


Clacker Cosmos: An Antipodean Analysis of Astro-boffins and Astronomy
Price: Free! Words: 20,780. Language: English. Published: July 1, 2016 . Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Cosmos
Do we still have scientists or just money hungry academics? We have theories decades old that are assumed to be true, but are total fantasy. They should try something else, even if only as an intellectual exercise, instead they seem to nurse their prejudices and seek consensus.

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