Silja Hare


I have three very talented daughters and live in the middle of Wolf Country (Minden, Ontario, just south of Algonquin Park). My literary interests are wide-ranging except for "chick lit"... I don't do "chick lit". Or "coming of age" stories. Actually, if there are no dragons, time rifts, someone shouting "Warp Five, Mister Sulu!", or explosions every five minutes, it's a bit hard to keep my focus.

Given that, it's a good thing I'm a content writer with a usual deadline of 24hrs, eh? ;)

Where to find Silja Hare online

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Silja Hare's favorite authors on Smashwords

Jamie J. Buchanan
Latest book: Writing Crash.
Published July 30, 2016.

Smashwords book reviews by Silja Hare

  • The Bloodsuckers: Vampire Lawyers of Middle Tennessee (Volume 1) on July 05, 2012

    tightly-crafted, perfectly edited, smooth read, and funny as all-get-out! excuse me, pls, there's a book 2 i must be reading.
  • The Widow on July 11, 2012

    what a wonderful story! i'm not normally into contemporary stories or "internal" stories (ones that deal with emotions and thoughts). i blush to admit that if something's not exploding every five minutes or if there's no dragons/spaceships/time travel/etc, i just can't hold my focus. but this story kept my attention through to the end. one quibble: normally i truly appreciate things to be kept down to the need-to-know. by that, i mean i get impatient with the type of writing that goes on and on and ON and after fifteen minutes' reading, the character has managed to get in the door and take off his coat. in the case of The Widow, however, it's a bit *too* spare. i can see her as the 1920s model - but only as a faceless mannequin. same with the other characters - i cannot visualize them. not sure what's missing, but something is. the other thing is that the last bit, describing how his art finally takes off, is rushed. there was no hint that their relationship was evolving - i'd gotten the impression they'd parted ways. perhaps a mention of, for example, "she clapped wildly as he was presented with [something or other]" or "after yet another wildly successful gallery show, they collapsed onto yet another hotel bed" or whatever. i think otherwise it was wonderfully done - the line about being stuck in a moment is fantastic and really encapsulates the book, like she's trapped in a bubble that finally goes "pop!"
  • Board Meeting on Oct. 18, 2012

    a fun little story not to be approached without your dictionary unless you have an excellent vocabulary, lol. this exact same thing happens to my brain, too, when i'm stuck in meetings.
  • The Photo on Oct. 18, 2012

    slow start, true - but wow! once it gets going! exactly my kind of story! quibbles here and there but nothing egregious.