Tony McManus


Of Irish stock, and a natural born rebel, Tony McManus was born in Manchester, England. He worked in many jobs to serve his passion for travel such as English teacher, bar tender, taxi driver, and in southern Africa, construction work in the Transvaal goldmines and the copper mines of Zambia. He immigrated to Canada settling in Quebec which would become his spiritual home. In 2000 he designed and commenced building a long planned log home in Ste. Adele, Quebec which he completed in 2005.
His passion for writing began at school where he excelled at English and composition. He considers himself a "natural writer" and over the years he's written abundant articles on a variety of subjects and had many short stories for children published. His first novel, "The Iran Deception" was self-published on Amazon in September. He is presently working on a second: "A Bangkok Interlude" and a collection of short stories: "Down and Out in the Big Mango". In 2007 he moved to Thailand and built a country guesthouse in the hills north of Chiang Mai where he resides with his eight dogs. Tony pursues and advocates good health, and is passionate about diet and exercise. An outdoorsman, sailor, kayaker and canoeist, he also loves cross country skiing and snowshoeing. When in Thailand, he misses Canada: in Canada he misses Thailand. Man is never satisfied. Res ipsa loquitur

Where to buy in print


A Partner in Crime
Price: Free! Words: 6,960. Language: English. Published: November 6, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
Stockbroker, Francis Peter Sainsbury’s Ponzi Scheme left a ten billion dollar hole. And his rich clients were left holding an empty bag while he ran out of town with the loot and a million dollars on his head. That was seven years ago. Now, bounty hunter Dave Bonner is on his trail; his only clue, a photograph.
The Bangkok SAS
Price: Free! Words: 10,660. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
Smooth talking conman, 'Mad' Mike Ince, has written top selling books promoting himself as an SAS super-warrior. And despite their best efforts, the Regiment and The Ministry of Defence have failed to expose and stop him. Ince now lives in Bangkok, among other SAS fakes, and writes best selling SAS novels. Now, SAS hard man, James Fallon is handed the task and sets out to find and destroy him.
A Bangkok Solution
Price: Free! Words: 7,080. Language: English. Published: August 4, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
They were Special Forces soldiers, the closest of friends; a friendship forged in the crucible of war and tempered by time and peace. But a friendship undermined by a love for the same woman, the beautiful Chantal. It was a problem demanding a solution. And a deadly resolution on a Bangkok street.
Down And Out In The Big Mango
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 52,930. Language: English. Published: May 17, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
Thailand. A land of smiles, exotic women, superb cuisine, sun, sea, sand and, almost, free love. A promise of paradise it seems. But a paradise that has its dangers. Thailand can surprise the unwary in manifold ways, These stories of foreigners, experiences in explore those surprises and dangers in Thailand's dark side.
The Iran Deception
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 99,110. Language: English. Published: December 25, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Spies & espionage, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
a fast paced spy thriller, tautly narrated in a terse, laconic style.