Tracie Gipson


Tracie Gipson earned her journalism degree in 1999 with her husband Calvin. She has worked in broadcast news, public relations and has been published in publications including the Los Angeles Daily News and L.A. Parent. Motherhood has inspired her to embark on children’s writing fueled by her boys’ obsession with trains, curiosity and mischief. Her first book “Railroads Aren’t for Rhinos” is based on family trips to the wondrous train rides throughout Griffith Park near their Los Angeles home.

Where to find Tracie Gipson online


Railroads Aren't for Rhinos
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 580. Language: English. Published: December 29, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Trains, Fiction » Children’s books » Fairy tales & fables
Ricky wants to ride a train. But Sally says he can't. Laugh along as he tries to ride a zoo train, a steam engine, a diesel train and a special train he never knew existed.

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