Daniel Sikorski

Smashwords Interview

What is your writing process?
Stare at the blank page in LibreOffice and procrastinate with Spider Solitaire until I'm fed up enough to grab a vintage fountain pen and a pad of paper and head for a coffeehouse.

Or, when the inspiration hits from out of the blue, write on anything with whatever's at hand and hope to be able to get it all down before it slips away from me. I don't have a lot of control over my muse, and she--who I have named Dypsomania--strikes at unpredictable times. But when it's on, it's seriously on, and I have to go back and re-read it when the trance passes to see what I wrote because I will have very little idea. I wish I knew where it came from and what its schedule is.

Joe Straczynski described his writing process for Babylon 5 as opening up a window to that universe in the back of his mind and writing down everything he saw before anyone noticed him. I'd say mine feels like that, except that I'm not as good a writer as JMS... and that my characters have noticed me watching.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yeah, and it was pretty abysmal.
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