Tyler Dobbert


A young writer hoping to discover my direction in life. Thank you for taking a look at what I've written, and don't be shy. please, send me a message!

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest book is A Candid Discussion on Freedom of Expression. Paying attention to the news through various outlets both mainstream and independent, it seems some days that the world is going insane. I wanted to write down some sort of essay on why I believe in the ideals of the rights I have, for my sake mostly. However, I thought it might be a good idea to show my thoughts to the world, and hopefully either help change minds, or even have mine changed if my information turns out incorrect. I'm always looking for new experiences, new information, and more reasons to write.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
What motivated me was my financial situation. I don't have the money to try traditional publishing, so I decided to try the self publishing market.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Tyler Dobbert online


A Candid Discussion on Freedom of Expression
Price: Free! Words: 9,700. Language: English. Published: June 5, 2019 . Categories: Essay » Political
The Freedom of Expression is an important set of rights that are currently being questioned in the modern day, and a thorough understanding of just what these rights are and their importance is essential to the discussion. This short political essay explores some of the basic aspects of these rights and their importance, as well as the various concepts that threaten to encroach upon these rights.
In Hindsight: A Poet's Musings
Price: Free! Words: 9,550. Language: English. Published: February 11, 2015 . Categories: Poetry » Contemporary Poetry
Looking back in time can be difficult. Especially when you need to learn from your experiences. But when you take away a lesson from a horrible situation, you come out all the stronger for it. The poems in this collection represent different periods of life that can apply to almost anyone in a difficult circumstance.

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