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Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,730. Language: Filipino. Published: July 8, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"""Mula sa kusang-patnugot ng aklat-Ukiyoto na """"Magkalaguyo"""" naritong muli si W. J. Manares sampu ng mga Makabagong Manunula't Manunulat na maghahatid sa inyo ng mga orihinal na tula at dagli ng Romansa at Pag-ibig! """"SIIL: Sa Iyo't Iyo Lamang"""" Tampok ang mga obra-maestra nina W. J. Manares | Gree Malkin | Jhemar Lagata | Jobert M. Pacnis | Christopher U. Palomares | Giselle Paraan
Dazzlers German Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,640. Language: German. Published: July 8, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Das Buch enthält Mini-Gedichte, die verschiedene Aspekte des Lebens behandeln. Einige enthalten Plattitüden, während andere mit den etablierten Mythen aufräumen. Auch Rührung zeigt sich hier und da. Einige Gedichte haben auch Humor. Die meisten Gedichte haben am Ende eine überraschende Wendung, die beim Leser plötzliches Staunen und Spannung hervorruft. Manchmal rufen sie auch starke Emotionen
Dazzlers Spanish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,660. Language: Spanish. Published: July 8, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"El libro contiene mini poemas que se refieren a diversos aspectos de la vida. Algunos contienen lugares comunes mientras que otros desmantelan los mitos establecidos. La emotividad también aparece aquí y allá. Algunos poemas también tienen humor. La mayoría de los poemas tienen un giro repentino al final, lo que hace que el lector experimente asombro y emoción de repente. A veces, también evocan
Dazzlers French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,880. Language: French. Published: July 8, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Le livre contient des mini-poèmes portant sur divers aspects de la vie. Certains contiennent des platitudes tandis que d’autres font voler en éclats les mythes établis. La poignance fait également son apparition ici et là. Certains poèmes ont aussi de l’humour. La plupart des poèmes ont une chute inattendue à la fin, ce qui suscite chez le lecteur un émerveillement et une excitation soudaine.
The Prisoner's Silence Bengali Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 43,830. Language: Bengali. Published: July 5, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
মানব অস্তিত্বের উপর একটি মধ্যস্থতা, উপন্যাসটি আইন, রাজনীতি, ধর্ম এবং ঈশ্বরের ভীতিকর চেহারাকে হাইলাইট করে, ফাঁসির মঞ্চে নিয়ে যাওয়া প্রাথমিক পরাধীনতার উত্স। শক্তি, মানব বা ঐশ্বরিক, হিংসা ও বশ্যতা থেকে আবির্ভূত হয়, চাটুকারিতার সাথে বিকাশ লাভ করে এবং দাসত্বের মাধ্যমে পবিত্রতা অর্জন করে। গভীরভাবে দার্শনিক, সূক্ষ্মভাবে মনস্তাত্ত্বিক, লোভনীয়ভাবে মানবিক এবং সর্বজনীনভাবে সামাজিক, বইটি মানবতার বন্ধন,
Bahaghari sa Kalawakan
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,740. Language: Filipino. Published: July 5, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Ang tagumpay niya sa paglikha ng tula ay nagtulak sa kanya na magpasya na lumikha ng higit pang mga aklat ng tula habang nagpapatuloy siya. Ito ang pagsisikap ng makata na ibuhay ang iba’t ibang emosyon at damdamin na maaaring pinagdadaanan ng isang tao sa kanilang buhay. Ang pathos ang nagiging tema sa likod ng kanyang mga tula. Ngunit ipinakikita rin niya ang kanyang kasiglahan sa buhay at lakas
Ultimo Padronanza Della Felicità
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,840. Language: Italian. Published: July 4, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Do you want to remove stress and depression from your life? Do you want to be happy and blissful always? Are you ready to apply all the techniques? This Book is written only for you. If you want to remove stress and depression from your life and want to achieve mastery in being happy and are ready to try for it, then this book will give you the ultimate happiness in life. In this book, the secret
The Art and Science of Chatgpt in Education
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 34,200. Language: English. Published: July 4, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"""Are you curious about the future of education? Are you curious about how AI can revolutionize education? Do you want to explore how Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize the way we learn and teach? The Art and Science of ChatGPT in Education is the perfect guide for educators, administrators, and students who want to explore the possibilities of AI-powered learning. This book covers
Mohomoye Alaska o Hawai Dip Bhromoner Diary
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 39,690. Language: Bengali. Published: July 1, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"আমেরিকা যুক্তরাষ্ট্র একটি সুবৃহৎ দেশ এবং নানা প্রাকৃতিক বৈচিত্র্যে ভরা নানা রাজ্য। এরকম দুটি অতি সুন্দর স্টেট বা রাজ্য আলাস্কা ও হাওয়াই দ্বীপপুঞ্জ। আমার এই দুটি জায়গা দেখার সৌভাগ্য হয়েছিল। আলাস্কা সম্পর্কে আমাদের আগ্রহ শৈশবকাল থেকেই শুরু হয় ভূগোল পাঠের মাধ্যমে। হাওয়াই সম্পর্কে ও আমাদের অনন্ত কৌতূহল। অন্য স্টেট বা হয়তো অন্যান্য দেশ থেকে সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা এই দুটি জায়গা শুধু যে প্রাকৃতিক
Your Safe Haven
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,840. Language: English. Published: July 1, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
You can be yourself here and find God in your messiness. This journal book enjoys accompanying you on your trip as you deal with the challenges of life, unpleasant memories, heartbreaks, and victories. You can pour out your thoughts, desires, fears, insecurities, and doubts you’ve constantly suppressed. You can be vulnerable as you go along the pages and share your stories without hesitation. You
Amaya the Buddha Greek Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 80,990. Language: Greek. Published: June 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Η ιστορία απεικονίζει τις απλές αλλά πολυπλοκες υποκείμενες κινήσεις σε μια μητέρα-κόρη σχέση, καθώς η κόρη μπορεί να σκοτώσει ακόμη και τον πατέρα της για να αποκαταστήσει την τιμή της μητέρας της. Οι κύριοι χαρακτήρες είναι η Αμάγια, μια δικηγόρος, η κόρη της Σουπρίγια (Πουρνίμα), μια νευρολόγος και ο πατέρας της Καράν, ένας ιατρικός ερευνητής. Η αναζήτηση της Αμάγια για την κόρη της, που απήχθη
Damdamin ng Panitik
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,070. Language: Filipino. Published: June 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Ang Damdamin ng Panitik ay binubuo ng pinagsanib na talento ng dalawang guro na sina Gng. Girlyn Villada Umpad at Gng. Judy Marie Deles-Malabad sa isang proyektong aklat ng mga tulain. Nakakintal ang kanilang pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan, pamilya, at sa napiling propesyon bilang guro. Buong pusong ibinigay ang bahagi ng pagkatao para sa ekstensyon ng kanilang tahanan, ang paaralan. Upang ang mga
Aquella Noche Tormentosa Y Otros Relatos
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,450. Language: Spanish. Published: June 29, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La vida puede ser bastante inesperada a veces y uno puede enfrentarse a situaciones inusuales en los lugares más tranquilos. A veces, surgen incidentes que no pueden explicarse por la lógica y el pasado puede aparecer de forma inquietante. A veces, las buenas intenciones pueden salir mal y decir la verdad puede tener consecuencias graves. Y uno puede arruinar las cosas con las mejores intenciones
Cette Soirée D'orage Et Autres Histoires
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,140. Language: French. Published: June 29, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La vie peut parfois être tout à fait imprévisible et l’on peut se retrouver confronté à des situations inhabituelles dans les endroits les plus calmes. Parfois, des incidents surviennent qui ne peuvent être expliqués par la logique et le passé peut ressurgir de manière troublante. Parfois, de bonnes intentions peuvent mal tourner et dire la vérité peut avoir des conséquences désastreuses. Et l’on
Der stürmische Abend und andere Geschichten
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,270. Language: German. Published: June 29, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Das Leben kann manchmal ziemlich unerwartet sein und man kann ungewöhnlichen Situationen an den ruhigsten Orten begegnen. Manchmal tauchen Ereignisse auf, die nicht durch Logik erklärt werden können und die Vergangenheit kann sich in einer beängstigenden Abfolge auftun. Manchmal können gute Absichten schiefgehen und die Wahrheit aussprechen kann schlimme Folgen haben. Und man kann trotz bester
La princesse rejetée et autres histoires
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,140. Language: French. Published: June 29, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Le Mahabharat, l’une des deux grandes épopées de l’Inde, dépeint la vie sur terre et les êtres humains dans toutes leurs nuances. Un dicton populaire dit que ce qui ne trouve pas sa place dans le Mahabharat, que ce soit en bien ou en mal, n’existe tout simplement pas. C’est l’histoire des êtres humains avec toutes leurs bontés et leurs vertus, mais aussi leurs défauts, leurs fragilités et leurs
Cuentos Para Un mediodía de verano
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 19,220. Language: Spanish. Published: June 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"¿Qué sucede cuando Rahul, Neha y Juhi, atrapados en una tormenta repentina, buscan refugio en una cabaña con siete pilares destruidos por el tsunami años atrás? ¿Podrá Kuttu salvar su árbol de mango cuando su padre se ve obligado a venderlo al carpintero del pueblo debido a la sequía? ¿Qué hace la abuela-dadi amante de la paz cuando se enfrenta a cuatro gatitos llenos de vida? ¿Podrán Chumki y
Histoires pour Un midi d'été
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,520. Language: French. Published: June 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Que se passe-t-il lorsque Rahul, Neha et Juhi, pris dans une tempête soudaine, cherchent refuge dans un bungalow aux sept piliers détruits par le tsunami il y a des années ? Kuttu peut-il sauver son manguier lorsque son père est contraint de le vendre au charpentier du village en raison de la sécheresse ? Que fait Booa-dadi, qui aime la paix, lorsqu’elle est confrontée à quatre chatons pleins de
Geschichten für Ein Sommermittag
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,330. Language: German. Published: June 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Was passiert, wenn Rahul, Neha und Juhi, von einem plötzlichen Sturm überrascht, Schutz in einem Bungalow suchen, dessen sieben Säulen vor Jahren durch den Tsunami zerstört wurden? Kann Kuttu seinen Mangobaum retten, wenn sein Vater ihn aufgrund der Dürre an den Dorfschreiner verkaufen muss? Was tut die friedliebende Booa-Dadi, wenn sie mit vier lebhaften Kätzchen konfrontiert wird? Können Chumki
La princesa rechazada y otros cuentos
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,230. Language: Spanish. Published: June 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"El Mahabharat, uno de los dos grandes epopeyas de la India, retrata la vida en la tierra y los seres humanos en todos sus matices. Existe un dicho popular que dice que lo que no encuentra lugar en el Mahabharat, ya sea bueno o malo, simplemente no existe. Es la historia de los seres humanos con toda su bondad y virtudes, así como sus defectos, fragilidades y debilidades. En la era del Mahabharat,
Die verstoßene Prinzessin und andere Geschichten
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,890. Language: German. Published: June 28, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Das Mahabharata, eines der beiden großen Epen Indiens, zeigt das Leben auf der Erde und die Menschen in all ihren vielfältigen Facetten. Es gibt ein beliebtes Sprichwort, dass das, was im Mahabharata keinen Platz findet, sei es gut oder schlecht, einfach nicht existiert. Es ist die Geschichte der Menschen mit all ihrer Güte und Tugendhaftigkeit sowie ihren Fehlern, Schwächen und Unzulänglichkeiten
আমি বড় হতে চাই...আবার একবার!
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 68,950. Language: Bengali. Published: June 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"কেন আমি সবসময় মনে করি যে আমি যথেষ্ট ভাল নই? কেন আমি সবসময় ব্যর্থ মনে হয়? কি আমাকে আটকে রেখেছে? আমি আবার কিভাবে চেষ্টা করতে জানি না. কেন আমি একই পুরানো ডিফল্ট আচরণের সাথে অবতরণ করব? আমরা কি আমাদের জীবনের কোনো এক সময়ে অনুভব করি না... আমি বড় হতে চাই... আবার একবার? বইটি আমাদেরকে আমাদের কিছু গভীর অংশের সাথে চিন্তা-উদ্দীপক বিষয়গুলির সাথে সংযুক্ত করার চেষ্টা করে যেমন: আমরা যা করতে চাই তা কেন
The Unfortunate Crush
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 104,400. Language: Filipino. Published: June 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
While traveling to Romblon, a turbulence occurred. Thinking that it would probably be her last day on earth, Antonia has confessed her feelings to Rett, her boss. However, the aftermath embarrassment of Antonia’s confession fueled her to lie and pretend that she has amnesia. Just when she thought that she has finally escaped from her own little mischief things began to backfire at her which caused
Dusk and Dawn
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,030. Language: English. Published: June 24, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"A compilation of poems that tackles different experiences and inspirations that the reader may relate in such situations. It comprises different emotions such as love, hate and pain that everybody experience in every day life that describe as human. It also gives a glimpse of experienceing mental health situations that is common now adays. It gives us hope for a new beginning. That life isn’t at
Celestial Whispers
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,090. Language: English. Published: June 22, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
In the mesmerizing tale of “”Celestial Whisper,”” we are introduced to a young girl who possesses a truly extraordinary gift. Despite her affliction with a severe allergy to sunlight, she remains unaffected by its rays, much to the astonishment of those around her. This inexplicable immunity becomes a source of intrigue and wonder for both the girl and those who witness her incredible interactions
Stasis sa Kulay ng Pastel Asul
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 15,060. Language: Filipino. Published: June 22, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Tinutusok ko ang aking daliri sa isang malalim na dahon ng damo. Ang pulang dugo ay tumutulo sa aking palad, sa aking braso at bumabagsak na parang malalapot na patak sa hilaw at malambot na lupa. Ang dugo’y nagpapatak sa daigdig hanggang sa ito’y sipsipin at mawala at hanggang sa isang bagong uhay ay tumubo mula dito. Ang Stasis sa Kulay ng Pastel Asul ay isang koleksyon ng maikling mga tula
The Heart-Wrenching August
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,280. Language: English. Published: June 22, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"The Heart-Wrenching August is not an unknown month in Afghanistan, and even for the world. In August 2021, Najiba was trapped by the cyberspace jihadists of the Taliban group and kidnapped from Karte Parwan in Kabul city, Afghanistan. The Taliban took her to prison because her brother was a national army soldier in the previous Afghan government. The Taliban has committed many atrocities against
Fillipisms 3333 Maxims to Maximize Your Life French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 91,450. Language: French. Published: June 22, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Il est étonnant de constater que le Dr Prateep Philip détient le record du plus grand nombre de citations originales jamais écrites par une personne dans n'importe quelle langue dans le monde. Ce livre va te secouer et te sortir de l'inertie ​​​​​​​Brian Tracy : formateur en motivation, auteur de 70 livres. ""Bien que je sois motivé par de grands penseurs comme Socrate, Confucius, Platon et
Ang Celibate
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 84,240. Language: Filipino. Published: June 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Ang kuwento ay tungkol sa ebolusyon ng isang inhinyero ng AI na naging Jesuit, isang Kristiyanong pari, at sa huli’y naging isang Aghori Sadhu, isang hubad na mongheng Hindu. Sa bakasyon sa Goa, inimbitahan ni Grace, isang lokal na babae, si Abe na manatili kasama niya sa kondisyon na hindi siya hahawakan nito. Siya’y lubos na umibig kay Grace ngunit naging isang celibate. Sa templo ng Kamakhya
Who's Your Forever?
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 16,260. Language: English. Published: June 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Naina discovered Tej despite all odds. When they first met, she didn’t think they were meant to be, but now he belongs to her. Maybe they’d both had the wrong kind of love and were too different and fiery souls. She’d kept her many dreams hidden, while leading a relatively normal life and pursuing a passionate career. She became aware that people were attempting to take advantage of her at work.
Chappal Par Chipka Kichad
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,690. Language: Hindi. Published: June 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"चप्पल पर चिपका कीचड़" शीर्षक से प्रेरित हिंदी कविता पुस्तक एक साहित्यिक संग्रह है, जिसमें समाजशास्त्रिय, मानवतावादी, विरोधाभासी, प्रेम, विश्वासघात, राजनीति आदि जैसे गहन विषयों पर प्रतिभात्मक नज़्मों और ग़ज़लों का आदान-प्रदान हुआ है। इस पुस्तक द्वारा, आप व्यापक सामाजिक मुद्दों के संकेतों का विचार करेंगे, भ्रष्टाचार के अंधकार से बचने वाले असलीता को उजागर करेंगे और प्रेम, विश्वासघात, राजनीति आदि के
Ink on Paper with Arts
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,410. Language: English. Published: June 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"""Synopsis This book is a full of poems and arts which are telling the different things. The words has a magic and powers. The words can work like as a medication and counselling to the anyone. The same words and creative ideas comes in the mind of a poet and tells poet to write and express the feelings. So sometimes poet see the things of the world as well as writes poems. Than again poet think
Unang Awit Ng Madaling Araw
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 75,670. Language: Filipino. Published: June 20, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Unang Awit ng Umaga ang makapangyarihang pagpapahayag ng pag-ibig. Sa puso ng babae; ito’y hindi halata, marilag, at walang hanggan. Ngunit sa puso ng lalaki; ito’y makabuluhan, hindi tiwala sa sarili, at hindi mapalagay. Ang pagkabalisa ay nagdadala sa dalawang batang puso na magkalapit. Sa malinis at payapang kapaligiran ng Kausani, di sinasadyang nagkakilala sina Vedanta at Saranga sa ilalim ng
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 95,980. Language: English. Published: June 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"When the moon falls, heroes rise… In Trajectory, danger lurks at every turn as Callisto, one of Mars’s moons joins Earth’s orbit, causing catastrophic consequences. As the world is plunged into darkness and chaos, a former astronaut, firefighter turned cop, airline pilot, prisoner, and a space shuttle enthusiast must come together to face an impossible task. With time running out, the team races
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,180. Language: French. Published: June 17, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Récompensé Ukiyoto Fiction - Top 30 des livres à surveiller en 2022, six fois sur la liste des meilleures ventes d’Amazon au Royaume-Uni et quatre fois sur la liste des meilleures ventes d’Amazon aux États-Unis. Classé 3ème des meilleures ventes sur Amazon UK dans la catégorie poésie contemporaine. Classé 4ème des meilleures ventes sur Amazon USA, 7ème des meilleures ventes sur Amazon Australie et
Der Weg zu echter Fitness
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 19,970. Language: German. Published: June 17, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"In diesem Buch versucht der Autor, die verschiedenen umfangreichen Aspekte von “Fitness” zu erklären...!! Laut dem Autor ist Fitness kein Ziel... sondern eine vollständige Reise im Leben einer Person! Daher möchte er (der Autor), dass die Menschen nach der Lektüre dieses Projekts eine “harte Hingabe” in sich selbst entwickeln... um die Reise der Fitness ehrlich und mutig anzutreten, so gut sie
The Celibate Danish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 71,540. Language: Danish. Published: June 17, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Evolutionen fra en AI-ingeniør til en jesuit, en kristen præst og senere en Aghori Sadhu, en nøgen hindu-munk, er historien. Under en ferie i Goa inviterede Grace, en lokal pige, Abe til at blive hos hende under betingelse af, at han ikke ville røre hende. Han forelskede sig hovedkulds i Grace, men udviklede sig til en cølibat. I Kamakhya-templet informerede Emma, fra Amsterdam, en forsker af
Wuthering Walls
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 880. Language: English. Published: June 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"The book “Wuthering Walls” is a collection of poems expressing certain emotions. Poetry has always been a medium for expressing inner thoughts, which cannot be expressed otherwise in words ."
Tekrar BüYüMek İStiyorum
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 56,300. Language: Turkish. Published: June 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Neden sürekli kendimi yetersiz hissediyorum? Neden sürekli başarısız hissediyorum? Beni ne engelliyor? Nasıl tekrar deneyeceğimi bilmiyorum. Neden sürekli aynı standart davranışa düşüyorum? Hayatımızın bir noktasında, hepimiz hissetmez miyiz, ... tekrar büyümek istiyorum...? Bu kitap, bizi düşündürerek kendimizin daha derin yönleriyle bağlantı kurmayı amaçlıyor: • Neden istediklerimizi yapmıyoruz?
Can We Go Back
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 37,360. Language: Filipino. Published: June 16, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Si Jade ay isang mabuting asawa, housewife na walang ibang ginawa kundi mahalin ang eleven years na niyang asawa. They had longed to have a child for a long time, but all their hopes were destroyed when their expected firstborn died. Their longcherished relationship began to fray after their son died. Where did everything start to go wrong? Will the couple be able to fix it, or will their
Dazzlers Turkish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,990. Language: English. Published: June 15, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Kitap, hayatın çeşitli yönleriyle ilgili mini şiirler içerir. Bazıları basmakalıp içerirken diğerleri kurulan mitleri yerle bir eder. Dokunaklılık da ara sıra ortaya çıkar. Bazı şiirlerde mizah da vardır. Şiirlerin çoğu, okuyucunun aniden hayret ve heyecan yaşamasına neden olan bir flaş döneme sahiptir. Bazen güçlü duyguları da uyandırırlar. Şiirlerin kısalığı ve sıkıştırılmışlığı da bahsedilmesi
La Ejecución Silenciosa
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 44,400. Language: Spanish. Published: June 15, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"En un mundo en constante cambio, luchando contra una pandemia global, una joven pareja está librando su propia batalla. Tiyasha trabaja desde casa y su esposo Aritra, que viaja por trabajo, luchan por equilibrar sus horarios laborales y el cuidado de su bebé. De repente, el bebé muere después de enfermarse y la autopsia realizada por el Dr. Ryan Ray revela un diagnóstico de envenenamiento por
O Celibatário
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 72,530. Language: Portuguese. Published: June 15, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"A evolução de um engenheiro de IA em um jesuíta, um padre cristão, e mais tarde em um Aghori Sadhu, um monge hindu nu, é a história. Durante as férias em Goa, Grace, uma garota local, convidou Abe para ficar com ela com a condição de que ele não a tocasse. Ele se apaixonou loucamente por Grace, mas evoluiu para um celibatário. No templo de Kamakhya, Emma, de Amsterdã, uma pesquisadora de Aghori
The Scent of Paper 2
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,910. Language: English. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"This book is sequel to the book The Scent Of Paper. The words never finishes. Till world exists till people exits. They have their own happiness as well as sadness. These words are in the form of arts. Which gives motivation to people to live. The papers are full of magic. A magician can do anything. Can make a alive man also into the pieces as well as dead also. Can catch the birds can talk to
The Arunachal Goes International
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 35,150. Language: English. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"The Arunachal goes International, Book, I am trying to highlight the Politics, current affairs and State the Highland Arunachal Pradesh, currently doing the International affairs going on, Here it is pertinent to mention that, G20 Summit is being host in Itanagar for the first time in Arunachal Pradesh,India after attending Independent , where as the India is celebrating the Amrit ka Mohotsav...
À propos d'une fille
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 35,350. Language: French. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“À propos d’une fille” est un court roman qui commence avec deux étrangers, un homme et une femme, qui se rencontrent à un arrêt de bus et se lancent dans une virée improvisée dans les bars par une journée fraîche d’hiver. Se déroulant sur douze heures, il relate les rencontres avec des personnages marginaux et excentriques ainsi que leur connexion émotionnelle croissante alors qu’ils tombent
Su una ragazza
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 33,460. Language: Italian. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
“Su una ragazza” è un breve romanzo che inizia con due sconosciuti, un uomo e una donna, che si incontrano a una fermata dell’autobus e si avventurano in un’improvvisata nottata nei bar durante una fredda giornata d’inverno. Svolgendosi nel corso di dodici ore, racconta gli incontri con personaggi marginali ed eccentrici, nonché la loro crescente connessione emotiva mentre si innamorano quasi
De Celibatair
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 74,550. Language: Dutch. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"De evolutie van een AI-ingenieur naar een Jezuïet, een christelijke priester en later een Aghori Sadhu, een naakte Hindoe-monnik, is het verhaal. Tijdens een vakantie in Goa nodigde Grace, een plaatselijk meisje, Abe uit om bij haar te blijven onder voorwaarde dat hij haar niet zou aanraken. Hij werd stapelverliefd op Grace, maar evolueerde naar een celibatair. In de Kamakhyatempel bracht Emma,
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 61,660. Language: Polish. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Ewolucja inżyniera sztucznej inteligencji w jezuitę, chrześcijańskiego księdza, a później w Aghori Sadhu, nagiego mnicha hinduistycznego, to historia. Na wakacjach w Goa Grace, miejscowa dziewczyna, zaprosiła Abe, by zamieszkał u niej pod warunkiem, że nie dotknie jej. Zaczął szaleńczo kochać Grace, ale przekształcił się w celibatariusza. W świątyni Kamakhya Emma z Amsterdamu, badaczka Aghori
Mago de la Poesía
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,530. Language: Spanish. Published: June 14, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La poetisa Bang Ai Tho construyó su imagen de poesía exótica y única a través del conjunto de poemas “Mago de la poesía”. Cada poema se transforma en una fantasía impredecible, como una vida mágica e imprevisible. La felicidad seguirá al sufrimiento y la esperanza seguirá a la decepción, todos ellos siendo la dualidad de la vida, siempre yendo de la mano con el destino de las mujeres vietnamitas.
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Women of God's Own Country Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,940. Language: Chinese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Kadınlar Tanrı'nın Kendi Ülkesi
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 90,620. Language: Turkish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Kerala’nın epik destanı ve içlerindeki kadınlar; her ikisi de eşsiz, canlı, eleştirel ve etten kemiktendir. Okuyucu onlarla birlikte seyahat eder, sihirli gerçekçilikle dolu, aydınlatıcı, yürek ısıtan, zaman zaman korkutucu ve sorgulayıcı, ancak tamamen kişisel bir yolculuğa çıkar; bu yolculuk dolambaçlı bir şekilde ilerler. Roman, kadın olmanın neşesi, acısı, güzelliği ve ihtişamı hakkındadır.
The Vangin Hiljaisuus
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 36,360. Language: Finnish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Romaani, joka on välitys ihmisen tilasta, korostaa alistumisen pelottavia kasvoja lain politiikan, uskonnon ja Jumalan, hirsipuiden tärkeimpien lähteiden, kautta. Inhimillinen tai jumalallinen valta syntyy väkivallasta ja alistumisesta kehittyy imartelun kautta ja saa pyhyyden kuuliaisuuden kautta. Tämä syvällisesti filosofinen, hienosti psykologinen, inhimillisesti vetoava ja yleismaailmallisesti
De Fångens Tystnad
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 46,110. Language: Swedish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Romanen är en meditation över människans villkor och belyser den skrämmande aspekten av underkastelse genom lag, politik, religion och Gud, den huvudsakliga källan till galgen. Mänsklig eller gudomlig makt föds ur våld och underkastelse, utvecklas genom smicker och ges helighet genom lydnad. Denna djupt filosofiska, subtilt psykologiska, mänskligt tilltalande och universellt sociala bok är en
The Prisoner's Silence Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 980. Language: Japanese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The Prisoner's Silence Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,630. Language: Chinese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
这本小说是关于人类条件的沉思,强调了通过法律、政治、宗教和上帝等主要的绞刑源的可怕服从面孔。人类或神性的力量源于暴力和服从,通过奉承而发展,通过顺从获得神圣。这本深刻的哲学书,精心的心理描写,人性感人且普遍社会性,是对人类囚禁、冲突、疏离和期望的摘要。它讲述了托马·昆吉(Thoma Kunj)的故事,他被囚禁了十一年,并被指控强奸和杀害了一个他以前从未见过的小女孩。他不知道自己成了政治家儿子的替罪羊。Razak与众不同;托马·昆吉在监狱里遇到了他。Razak在逃离克拉拉邦的家后,来到了阿拉伯,被带到了Akeem的后宫,成为女性奴隶。作为一个阉割者,Razak经历了地狱的折磨,19年后回到了克拉拉邦的宫殿。Razak,无力的他结婚不久后就杀死了妻子和她的情人。换句话说,他也是无辜的。在绞刑台下,托马·昆吉,一个戴着面具的人,听到了Razak的微弱呼喊和人类的苦难。
The Prisoner's Silence Russian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 43,670. Language: Russian. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Mujeres de El país de Dios
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 120,610. Language: Spanish. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Una epopeya épica de Kerala y las mujeres en ella; ambas son únicas, vibrantes, autocríticas y de carne y hueso. El lector viaja con ellas, en un viaje iluminador, reconfortante, a veces aterrador y cuestionador pero completamente personal, que serpentea a través del realismo mágico. La novela trata sobre la alegría, la agonía, la belleza y la gloria de ser mujer. Teje la búsqueda de libertad,
Women of God's Own Country Russian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 105,450. Language: Russian. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Women of God's Own Country Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,730. Language: Japanese. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Femmes de Le pays de Dieu
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 129,850. Language: French. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Une saga épique du Kerala et des femmes qui y résident ; les deux sont uniques, vibrantes, auto-critiques et faites de chair et de sang Le lecteur voyage avec elles, un voyage éclairant, réchauffant le cœur, parfois effrayant et questionnant, mais entièrement personnel, qui serpente à travers le réalisme magique. Le roman parle de la joie, de l’agonie, de la beauté et de la gloire d’être une femme
Frauen von Gottes eigenes Land
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 115,030. Language: German. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Eine epische Saga aus Kerala und den Frauen darin; beide sind einzigartig, lebendig, selbstkritisch und aus Fleisch und Blut. Der Leser reist mit ihnen, eine aufklärende, herzerwärmende, zuweilen beängstigende und hinterfragende, aber vollkommen persönliche Reise, die sich durch magischen Realismus schlängelt. Der Roman handelt von der Freude, der Qual, der Schönheit und dem Ruhm, eine Frau zu
Kvinnor av Guds eget land
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 110,080. Language: Swedish. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
En episk saga om Kerala och kvinnorna där; båda är unika, livfulla, självkritiska och av kött och blod. Läsaren reser med dem, en upplysande, hjärtevärmande, ibland skrämmande och ifrågasättande men helt personlig resa som slingrar sig genom magisk realism. Romanen handlar om glädje, lidande, skönhet och ära av att vara kvinna. Den väver samman kvinnors strävan efter frihet, karriär och jämlikhet
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 50,050. Language: Italian. Published: August 11, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Un romanzo che è una meditazione sulla condizione umana mette in evidenza il volto spaventoso della sottomissione attraverso la legge, la politica, la religione e Dio, principali fonti dell’impiccagione. Il potere umano o divino nasce dalla violenza e dalla sottomissione, si sviluppa attraverso l’adulazione e acquisisce santità tramite l’obbedienza. Questo libro profondamente filosofico, finemente
Angels Smile
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,320. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"In the midst of pond, a blooming lotus. It looks so beautiful. In the midst of forest, a butterfly flies. It sings and dances. That lotus or butterfly, also the parts of the beautiful world; to see and enjoy heartfully. People can’t deny this fact. The blooming lotus acts as a gem.
WOW! What a Wondrous World!
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,940. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
This book is primarily for young children to encourage them to admire nature and also to make them understand the manifold benefits of staying close to nature. If we motivate kids to spend time with nature, they can find a true companion in it and thus create a bond. So, obviously they will be aware of the natural environment that surrounds us and will not do anything to cause harm.
Musings: And Miles To Go
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 32,070. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"A heartfelt and a light-hearted look at life. This collection of musings touches on some of the adventures we experience in our everyday life; our relationships with friends, parents, children, pets, in-laws, “outlaws”; the houses and homes we live in; the wonderful world of books; travel: both plans and actuals; the good old days of our childhood – and all that lies ahead…"
Magkasintahan 2.0 Volume Xv
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,790. Language: English. Published: February 21, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“True love can beat any storm no matter how rough the sea is, true love sails through it”― Janki Hemani, An Abstract Love-A soulful journey of two hearts"
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