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COVID19 Dutch Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,490. Language: Dutch. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Er zijn veel overeenkomsten tussen poëzie en natuurkunde. Beide zijn innerlijke studies van de natuur. Beide zijn filosofieën van het leven en de natuur. Beide vullen elkaar aan, als twee zijden van een munt. Wanneer natuurkunde niet in staat is om het leven, de oorsprong van het universum, de mensheid en haar toekomst te verklaren, komt poëzie naar voren. Wanneer poëzie eindigt en andere
Estrenar Italian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 19,300. Language: Italian. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La storia rappresenta le sottili ma complesse correnti sottostanti in una relazione madre-figlia, poiché la figlia potrebbe persino uccidere suo padre per ripristinare l’onore di sua madre. I personaggi principali sono Amaya, un’avvocatessa; sua figlia Supriya (Poornima), una neurologa, e suo padre Karan, un ricercatore medico. La ricerca di Amaya per trovare sua figlia, rapita da suo padre, la
Amaya the Buddha Italian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 82,390. Language: Italian. Published: May 30, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"La storia rappresenta le sottili ma complesse correnti sottostanti in una relazione madre-figlia, poiché la figlia potrebbe persino uccidere suo padre per ripristinare l’onore di sua madre. I personaggi principali sono Amaya, un’avvocatessa; sua figlia Supriya (Poornima), una neurologa, e suo padre Karan, un ricercatore medico. La ricerca di Amaya per trovare sua figlia, rapita da suo padre, la
Flight to Freedom
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,110. Language: English. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"‘Flight to Freedom’ is a parable set in a common household in India. It revolves around lives of pets in the house and their outlook towards life. Some think that it’s good to be in cage as all their needs of food, shelter etc. are being taken care of. And then there is a rebel who says that although there might be comfort, we can’t fly here. Flying is a bird true nature and until they express it
Mysterious Letters
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 29,050. Language: English. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"In the peaceful, town of Nashville, Tennessee, confusion creeps in and the town becomes famous for all the terror generated by the compounding letters that disturb the sentiments of the locals residing in the town. The letters are provocative, and sensitive, talking about guilt, affairs, and all the talks that could destroy a person. No one knows who wrote the letters and for what purpose."
Estrenar Turkish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 14,360. Language: Turkish. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Yazarın bu ilk kitabı “Estrenar: Yeni Bir Yolculuğun Başlangıcı” adını taşımaktadır. Estrenar, İspanyolca bir kelime olup “İlk Kez” anlamına gelmektedir. Bu kitap bir şiir koleksiyonudur. Şiirler iki bölüm halinde gruplandırılmıştır. İlk bölüm hayat etrafında döner - herkesin hayatındaki çeşitli olaylar, duyguların aşamaları, kendini sevmek, içsel çalkantı, depresyon dönemlerinden sonra motivasyon
Estrenar German Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,000. Language: German. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Dieses Debüt-Buch des Autors trägt den Titel “Estrenar: Beginn einer neuen Reise”. Estrenar ist ein spanisches Wort, das “Das erste Mal” übersetzt. Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten. Die Gedichte sind in zwei Abschnitte unterteilt. Der erste dreht sich um das Leben - die verschiedenen Ereignisse im Leben jedes Einzelnen, die Stadien der Emotionen, die Selbstliebe, die innere Unruhe,
Estrenar French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,090. Language: French. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Ce premier livre de l’auteur s’intitule “Estrenar : Début d’un nouveau voyage”. Estrenar est un mot espagnol qui se traduit par “La première fois”. Ce livre est une collection de poèmes. Les poèmes sont regroupés en deux parties. La première tourne autour de la vie - les différents événements dans la vie de chacun, les étapes des émotions, s’aimer soi-même, les tourments intérieurs, la motivation
Amaya Le Bouddha
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 87,110. Language: French. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"L’histoire dépeint les courants sous-jacents simples mais complexes dans une relation mère-fille, car la fille pourrait tuer même son père pour rétablir l’honneur de sa mère. Les principaux personnages sont Amaya, une avocate ; sa fille Supriya (Poornima), neurologue ; et son père, Karan, chercheur médical. La recherche d’Amaya pour retrouver sa fille, enlevée par son père, la quête psychique de
Amaya der Buddha
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 79,610. Language: German. Published: May 27, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Die Geschichte zeigt die einfachen, aber komplexen Untertöne in einer Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung, da die Tochter sogar ihren Vater töten könnte, um die Ehre ihrer Mutter wiederherzustellen. Die Hauptcharaktere sind Amaya, eine Anwältin; ihre Tochter Supriya (Poornima), eine Neurologin, und ihr Vater Karan, ein medizinischer Forscher. Amayas Suche nach ihrer von ihrem Vater entführten Tochter,
The Cursed Curves
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 22,100. Language: English. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The Cursed Curves’ is a story of an obese girl of 90 kilograms who suffers a lot due to body -shaming.The book provides a truthful account of her harrowing romantic love story. She takes hazardous quick-fixes to reduce her weight at a rapid speed and she ends up in the ICU in a terrible state. The novel is a satire on the unattainable false beauty standards of weight, form, colour and shape that
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,540. Language: Bengali. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
প্রত্যেক মানুষের নিজস্ব একটা অনুভূতি থাকা বাঞ্ছনীয় | সেই অনুভূতি তাকে বাঁচতে শেখায়, জীবনকে নতুন ভাবে অনুভব করতে শেখায়, মানুষকে ও প্রকৃতিকে ভালোবাসতে শেখায় | অনুভূতির জগৎ জুড়ে এই কবিতা গুচ্ছ |
Estrenar Spanish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 19,460. Language: Spanish. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Este libro debut del autor se llama “Estrenar: Comienzo de un nuevo viaje”. Estrenar es una palabra en español que se traduce como “La Primera Vez”. Este libro es una colección de poemas. Los poemas están agrupados en dos segmentos. El primero gira en torno a la vida, los diversos eventos en la vida de todos, las etapas de las emociones, amarse a uno mismo, la angustia interna, la motivación
Roselings Silencieux
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,170. Language: French. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Ce livre mince contient moins de cent poèmes, mais leur essence et leur substance les qualifient, qualitativement parlant, pour en compter plus de cent. Ils sont courts et intenses, en effet, presque tous, mais ils présentent une méthode unique pour considérer et traiter un phénomène, une personne ou un événement à la fois avec l’immédiateté de l’action et son contexte socioculturel. Le résultat
Stille Rosenkränze
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,160. Language: German. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Dieses schmale Buch enthält weniger als hundert Gedichte, aber ihre Essenz und Substanz qualifizieren sie, qualitativ betrachtet, um mehr als hundert zu zählen. Kurz und intensiv sind sie in der Tat fast alle, aber sie zeigen eine einzigartige Methode, ein Phänomen, eine Person oder ein Ereignis sowohl mit der Unmittelbarkeit des Geschehens als auch mit seinem soziokulturellen Hintergrund zu
Roselline Silenziose
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,240. Language: Italian. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Questo sottile libro contiene meno di cento poesie, ma la loro essenza e sostanza le qualificano, dal punto di vista qualitativo, per contarne più di cento. Sono brevi ed intensi, infatti quasi tutti, ma mostrano un metodo unico per considerare e trattare un fenomeno, una persona o un evento sia con l’immediatezza dell’azione sia con il suo contesto socio-culturale. Il risultato è enorme, poiché
Roselings Silenciosos
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,330. Language: Spanish. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Este libro delgado contiene menos de cien poemas, pero su esencia y sustancia los califican, desde un punto de vista cualitativo, para contar más de cien. En efecto, son breves e intensos, casi todos ellos, pero muestran un método único para contemplar y tratar un fenómeno, una persona o un evento tanto con la inmediatez de la acción como con su contexto sociocultural. El resultado es enorme, ya
Ancient Future
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,670. Language: English. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Can a man from 21st century live in ancient times? Can he survive their laws? What changes can he bring? What struggles he will have to face? Ancient Future is a story of a genius Binod. Who knows everything but still doesn’t know anything. He has a glorious purpose and he has to fulfill it quickly. We are going with him to experience the journey. We are going to laugh, cry, smile, fear, and rage
Mister Mushkin-Moo and Missing Topknot
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 280. Language: English. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Mr Mushkin-moo awoke one morning to find that his topknot (which is a hat) had mysteriously disappeared. So, he sets off to see if he can find it, with the help of some of his friends."
Palak Dil and Other Stories
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 32,050. Language: English. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The eleven stories cover a vast canvas of human emotions, their strengths and weaknesses, their vulnerabilities and sensibilities. ‘Palak Dil’ is the story of a haunted lake that exists in Mizoram. A young army captain battles ‘Temptation’ during a bus journey. ‘Black Magic’ depicts the agony of an old man who waits for the return of his son. Only the village priest knows about the mysterious past
Premier chant de l'aube
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 71,750. Language: French. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"First Song of the Dawn is the powerful expression of love. In the girl’s heart; it’s subtle, sublime and eternal. But in the boy’s heart; it’s earthy, insecure and restless. The anxiety brings the two young hearts close. In the clean and tranquil environs of Kausani, Vedanta inadvertently meets Saranga under bizarre circumstances and both fall in love with each other. But Alas! their happiness
Erstes Lied der Morgendämmerung
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 68,540. Language: German. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Erster Song der Dämmerung ist der kraftvolle Ausdruck der Liebe. Im Herzen des Mädchens ist es subtil, erhaben und ewig. Aber im Herzen des Jungen ist es irdisch, unsicher und ruhelos. Die Angst bringt die beiden jungen Herzen näher zusammen. In der sauberen und ruhigen Umgebung von Kausani trifft Vedanta unabsichtlich unter seltsamen Umständen auf Saranga und beide verlieben sich ineinander Aber
Primera canción del alba
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 67,810. Language: Spanish. Published: May 26, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
El Primer Canto del Amanecer es la poderosa expresión del amor. En el corazón de la chica es sutil, sublime y eterno. Pero en el corazón del chico es terrenal, inseguro e inquieto. La ansiedad acerca a los dos jóvenes corazones. En los limpios y tranquilos alrededores de Kausani, Vedanta conoce accidentalmente a Saranga en circunstancias extrañas y ambos se enamoran. Pero ¡ay! su felicidad no dura
Find X
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 168,930. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Veeshal is a teenage boy who has recently stepped into high school from middle school. The three years of high school are also going to be his last years in school. At the beginning of high school Veeshal’s life undergoes some changes because of which he finds himself in a new residence and among a new group of friends. While Veeshal adapts to this change of place and change of friends he sees
Sessiz Roselings
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,330. Language: Turkish. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Bu ince kitap, yüzden az şiir içerir, ancak niteliksel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, içerdikleri öz ve madde bakımından yüzden fazla şiiri hak eder. Kısadırlar ve yoğundurlar, çoğunlukla, ancak bir fenomeni, bir kişiyi veya bir olayı ele alırken hem eylemin doğrudanlığı hem de sosyo-kültürel bağlamıyla benzersiz bir yöntem sunarlar. Sonuç muazzamdır çünkü okuyucu aynı zamanda bir seyirci gibi
Essence of Love
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,280. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Life! Dear life. It will be beautiful by decorating, itself with the fragrance of love. That love touches the core of life. The sweet fragrance helps to cope any nasty smell, which may spoil the lovely life. “Essence of Love” is such a poetry book, containing so many writes. For example- Pure essence of love, Healing power, Oh dear heart, Until the last part etc Each poem has a unique value. That
Nobody Dies Tonight
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 28,890. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"‘Nobody Dies Tonight’ is a collection of articles written by the author between May 2020 and April 2021 to serve as a fitness manual created by a runner during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a humble tribute by him to all those who supported and encouraged each other to create a better world during the pandemic. All the articles were related to fitness and running. The author considered with deep
Kulayan natin ang Mundo
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,260. Language: Filipino. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
In this tale, a young girl is shown who has a gift for drawing and color. The narrative introduced the character’s love of drawing beautiful settings that she envisions, such as the sea, forest, and mountains. The young girl learned about dynamite fishing and illegal logging as she accidentally hears her father and others complaining, and she is confused by these ideas. The book suggests that even
Compendium in Tourism and Hospitality Studies
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 121,690. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The book is intended to fill the gap on the required textbooks in major subjects in Tourism and Hospitality related secondary (Grades 11 and 12), and tertiary programs, i.e., Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management; as well as in short-training term training courses under the technical vocational tourism and hospitality programs in the Philippines
Dante Must Die
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 101,250. Language: Filipino. Published: May 21, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
After becoming the grand champion in a death match, an MMA fighter returned to his birthplace to destroy the powerful fraternity who killed his father
Cacophonies of the Wilted
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 11,530. Language: English. Published: May 21, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
In a life filled with constant metamorphosis, misery, and agony, we all desire for our screams to be heard. Sometimes, we feel alone, and our thoughts randomly scatter within the deepest corners of our minds. During these melancholic moments, we push them away, not acknowledging the ache and gloom we feel. In our weakest state, when our soul withers like a dying wraith we all want comfort and love
Charcuterie of Thoughts
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,970. Language: English. Published: May 21, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Charcuterie of Thoughts is Rathnakumar's highly anticipated sophomore collection of poetry. Much like its previous iteration - the bestselling and critically-acclaimed Smörgåsbord of Musings - this book is a concoction made of love, life, laughter, anger, joy, despair, romance, disgust, yearning, pain, wonder, and hope. It's a tribute to the full spectrum of the human experience, with each poem
Directed by You
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 14,540. Language: English. Published: May 21, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
In This Inspiring Book, You'll Be Presented With A Tool That Can Help You Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Build Confidence, And Achieve Your Goals. Using A Combination Of Language And Behavior Techniques, This Book Can Help You Reprogram Your Mind And Overcome Negative Patterns Of Thinking. You'll Learn How To Communicate More Effectively, Build Stronger Relationships, And Even Improve Your Health And
Ang Bulbul atbp.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,280. Language: Filipino. Published: May 21, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"KATIPUNAN NG KALIBUGAN Ang “”Bulbul”” ay isang uri ng ibon. Ang mga Tulang Erotika na napapaloob sa aklat na ito ay pawang kathang-isip lamang at walang balak na mang-insulto, mang-api o makapanakit sa iba. Kung maaari lamang ay huwag ipabasa sa may makikitid na utak at lalung-lalo na sa mga bata at mga isip-bata."
Le rythme de l'escargot
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 35,660. Language: French. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Orpheline et sans un sou à Hong Kong en 1884 - que doit faire une jeune demoiselle? Impulsive, aventurière et confiante, Susannah accepte une offre pour devenir la gouvernante d’un jeune étranger sur un navire. Elle ne s’attend pas à ce que le navire soit dans l’espace, ni à ce que l’enfant étranger soit un extraterrestre qui ressemble à un escargot géant. Susannah a été engagée pour former son
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,550. Language: English. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Emmett – is a collection of poems depicting the complete truth of life, death, and everything in between. Written and presented in the simplest way as the author believes that the best recipe is cooked with simple ingredients. The poems in this book reflect upon multiple facets of life and existence such as happiness, love, loss, feminism, survival, and introspection. The profound ideas and
The Family Experiment
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 54,230. Language: English. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"This story revolves around Amar, a young middle class Indian boy, struggling to land a job after completion of his engineering degree. He spends most of his time in house and lost all his outside connections. Life takes a twist when his school friend comes to meet him and through multiple conversations, creates two big doubts in his mind regarding money , human values and respect in the family.
"Mga Tula ng Pag-ibig at Kapangyarihan "
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,800. Language: Filipino. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Mga Tula ng Pag-ibig at Kapangyarihan ay isang tulang koleksyon ni Ancel “Nene” Mondia na nakasentro sa samot-saring anyo ng pag-ibig at kapangyarihan."
Playing in Secret Solitude
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,700. Language: English. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Girls touch their own body sometimes - the genitals, the nipples, the anus or other parts. Most women who have explored their body soon discover that touching may cause sexual arousal and pleasurable sensations. When girls spend time alone touching themselves and often bringing themselves to orgasm, it is called masturbation. Women are enormously inventive, and everyone has their own way of
Covid Diaries: Virus Vs We
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 51,690. Language: English. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
In a war imagine what happens if the same soldier whom we have put trust to protect us suddenly feels other way. So in a pandemic which was even worse than a war, the healthcare industry which was trusted upon by the mankind to protect and treat got mutated. Virus was an enemy whom we all knew was causing the devastation but then it got the deadlier ally. And when they both mutated the devastation
Calabritto Italian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 44,660. Language: Italian. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Calabritto è un romanzo su un villaggio di montagna in Italia centrale, ambientato nei primi anni settanta, e sui personaggi eccentrici che intrecciano le loro storie tra di loro. Scritto nel classico stile di flusso libero e flusso di coscienza di Tony Nesca, la prosa stessa ammalia e affascina, trascinando il lettore in una tragicommedia che svela un intricato intreccio di esperienze umane."
Calabritto French Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 47,570. Language: French. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Calabritto est un roman sur un village de montagne du centre de l’Italie se déroulant au début des années soixante-dix et les personnages excentriques qui entrelacent leurs histoires les unes aux autres. Écrit dans le style classique de Tony Nesca, fluide et en flux de conscience, la prose elle-même hypnotise et captive, attirant le lecteur dans une tragi-comédie qui déploie une toile complexe
Calabritto German Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 45,810. Language: German. Published: May 19, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Calabritto” ist ein Roman über ein Bergdorf in Mittelitalien, der in den frühen siebziger Jahren spielt und von den exzentrischen Charakteren handelt, die ihre Geschichten ineinander und um sich herum verweben. Geschrieben in Tony Nescas klassischem, fließenden Bewusstseinsstrom, fesselt und fasziniert die Prosa selbst und zieht den Leser in eine tragikomische Geschichte, die ein komplexes
Mga Tula Sa Lilim Ng Lipóte
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,560. Language: Filipino. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Lumipas na ang mga panahon kung saan ang mga mobile phones ay ginagamit lamang natin na pantawag Ngayon, halos umiikot na ang buhay natin sa paggamit nita Nariyan ang pakikipag-usap sa pamamagitan ng voice messaging at emails. Nagagamit din ito upang makapag-internet surfing. Naaaliw tayong binubuksan ang mga lirato at maging ang iba pang mahahalagang mga dokumento. At higit sa lahat ay maaaring
Vom Roten Fluss zur Blauen Donau
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,080. Language: German. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Vom Roten Fluss zur Blauen Donau” ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten, die direkt aus dem Herzen stammen. Sie schreien in roher Emotion und klaren Bildern über den Schmerz der Trennung und die Freude der Wiedervereinigung. Menschliches Verlangen wird gegen geografische Entfernungen gesetzt, die von natürlicher Pracht und inspirierenden Städten gefüllt sind. Kieu Bich Haus Gedichte präsentieren
Calabritto Spanish Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 44,940. Language: Spanish. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“Calabritto” es una novela sobre un pueblo de montaña en el centro de Italia que tiene lugar a principios de los años setenta y los personajes excéntricos que entrelazan sus historias entre sí. Escrito en el clásico estilo libre y flujo de conciencia de Tony Nesca, la prosa misma hipnotiza y cautiva, atrayendo al lector hacia una tragicomedia que despliega una intrincada tela de experiencias
Subconsciente encendido
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,150. Language: Spanish. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Para el poeta Tran Nhuan Minh, no son los conflictos el centro de la poesía, sino el camino a través y la salida de esos conflictos... En este sentido, la poesía de Tran Nhuan Minh es un mensaje de advertencia y despertar... desafía los límites entre izquierda y derecha, correcto e incorrecto, ortodoxo y heterodoxo, sur y norte, pasado y futuro... Cualquier día, todavía hay personas infelices en
Drop of the Last Cloud
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 57,770. Language: English. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"""“In many ways, Gomathi too was a water drop — a drop that had lost its home and was travelling through unknown paths. In her case, the home was the last cloud — the last cloud of a matrilineal joint family, which had held all her daughters together…” When the matrilineal system that prevailed in Nair community in Kerala was abolished almost a century back, women were caught in a state of flux
Aufgeflammtes Unterbewusstsein
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,800. Language: German. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Für den Dichter Tran Nhuan Minh stehen nicht die Konflikte im Zentrum der Poesie, sondern der Weg hindurch und heraus aus diesen Konflikten... In diesem Sinne sind Tran Nahuan Minhs Gedichte Warn- und Aufweckbotschaften... Sie fordern die Grenzen zwischen links und rechts, richtig und falsch, orthodox und unorthodox, Süden und Norden, Vergangenheit und Zukunft heraus... Jeden Tag gibt es immer
El otoño y el mar
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,610. Language: Spanish. Published: May 18, 2023 by Ukiyoto. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"Nguyen Dinh Tam combina habilidosamente las emociones y los pensamientos en sus versos. Al mismo tiempo, sus poemas contienen brillantes puntos de sabiduría y filosofía, y siempre tiene un sentido de innovación y renovación de la poesía. Son canciones sobre el amor por la patria, el país, la gente y la búsqueda de las profundidades de la naturaleza humana. (Crítico literario Doan Manh Tien)"
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Women of God's Own Country Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 2,940. Language: Chinese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Kadınlar Tanrı'nın Kendi Ülkesi
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 90,620. Language: Turkish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Kerala’nın epik destanı ve içlerindeki kadınlar; her ikisi de eşsiz, canlı, eleştirel ve etten kemiktendir. Okuyucu onlarla birlikte seyahat eder, sihirli gerçekçilikle dolu, aydınlatıcı, yürek ısıtan, zaman zaman korkutucu ve sorgulayıcı, ancak tamamen kişisel bir yolculuğa çıkar; bu yolculuk dolambaçlı bir şekilde ilerler. Roman, kadın olmanın neşesi, acısı, güzelliği ve ihtişamı hakkındadır.
The Vangin Hiljaisuus
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 36,360. Language: Finnish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Romaani, joka on välitys ihmisen tilasta, korostaa alistumisen pelottavia kasvoja lain politiikan, uskonnon ja Jumalan, hirsipuiden tärkeimpien lähteiden, kautta. Inhimillinen tai jumalallinen valta syntyy väkivallasta ja alistumisesta kehittyy imartelun kautta ja saa pyhyyden kuuliaisuuden kautta. Tämä syvällisesti filosofinen, hienosti psykologinen, inhimillisesti vetoava ja yleismaailmallisesti
De Fångens Tystnad
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 46,110. Language: Swedish. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Romanen är en meditation över människans villkor och belyser den skrämmande aspekten av underkastelse genom lag, politik, religion och Gud, den huvudsakliga källan till galgen. Mänsklig eller gudomlig makt föds ur våld och underkastelse, utvecklas genom smicker och ges helighet genom lydnad. Denna djupt filosofiska, subtilt psykologiska, mänskligt tilltalande och universellt sociala bok är en
The Prisoner's Silence Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 980. Language: Japanese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
The Prisoner's Silence Chinese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,630. Language: Chinese. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
这本小说是关于人类条件的沉思,强调了通过法律、政治、宗教和上帝等主要的绞刑源的可怕服从面孔。人类或神性的力量源于暴力和服从,通过奉承而发展,通过顺从获得神圣。这本深刻的哲学书,精心的心理描写,人性感人且普遍社会性,是对人类囚禁、冲突、疏离和期望的摘要。它讲述了托马·昆吉(Thoma Kunj)的故事,他被囚禁了十一年,并被指控强奸和杀害了一个他以前从未见过的小女孩。他不知道自己成了政治家儿子的替罪羊。Razak与众不同;托马·昆吉在监狱里遇到了他。Razak在逃离克拉拉邦的家后,来到了阿拉伯,被带到了Akeem的后宫,成为女性奴隶。作为一个阉割者,Razak经历了地狱的折磨,19年后回到了克拉拉邦的宫殿。Razak,无力的他结婚不久后就杀死了妻子和她的情人。换句话说,他也是无辜的。在绞刑台下,托马·昆吉,一个戴着面具的人,听到了Razak的微弱呼喊和人类的苦难。
The Prisoner's Silence Russian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 43,670. Language: Russian. Published: August 23, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Mujeres de El país de Dios
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 120,610. Language: Spanish. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Una epopeya épica de Kerala y las mujeres en ella; ambas son únicas, vibrantes, autocríticas y de carne y hueso. El lector viaja con ellas, en un viaje iluminador, reconfortante, a veces aterrador y cuestionador pero completamente personal, que serpentea a través del realismo mágico. La novela trata sobre la alegría, la agonía, la belleza y la gloria de ser mujer. Teje la búsqueda de libertad,
Women of God's Own Country Russian Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 105,450. Language: Russian. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Women of God's Own Country Japanese Version
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 1,730. Language: Japanese. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Femmes de Le pays de Dieu
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 129,850. Language: French. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Une saga épique du Kerala et des femmes qui y résident ; les deux sont uniques, vibrantes, auto-critiques et faites de chair et de sang Le lecteur voyage avec elles, un voyage éclairant, réchauffant le cœur, parfois effrayant et questionnant, mais entièrement personnel, qui serpente à travers le réalisme magique. Le roman parle de la joie, de l’agonie, de la beauté et de la gloire d’être une femme
Frauen von Gottes eigenes Land
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 115,030. Language: German. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Eine epische Saga aus Kerala und den Frauen darin; beide sind einzigartig, lebendig, selbstkritisch und aus Fleisch und Blut. Der Leser reist mit ihnen, eine aufklärende, herzerwärmende, zuweilen beängstigende und hinterfragende, aber vollkommen persönliche Reise, die sich durch magischen Realismus schlängelt. Der Roman handelt von der Freude, der Qual, der Schönheit und dem Ruhm, eine Frau zu
Kvinnor av Guds eget land
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 110,080. Language: Swedish. Published: August 22, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
En episk saga om Kerala och kvinnorna där; båda är unika, livfulla, självkritiska och av kött och blod. Läsaren reser med dem, en upplysande, hjärtevärmande, ibland skrämmande och ifrågasättande men helt personlig resa som slingrar sig genom magisk realism. Romanen handlar om glädje, lidande, skönhet och ära av att vara kvinna. Den väver samman kvinnors strävan efter frihet, karriär och jämlikhet
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 50,050. Language: Italian. Published: August 11, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
Un romanzo che è una meditazione sulla condizione umana mette in evidenza il volto spaventoso della sottomissione attraverso la legge, la politica, la religione e Dio, principali fonti dell’impiccagione. Il potere umano o divino nasce dalla violenza e dalla sottomissione, si sviluppa attraverso l’adulazione e acquisisce santità tramite l’obbedienza. Questo libro profondamente filosofico, finemente
Angels Smile
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,320. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"In the midst of pond, a blooming lotus. It looks so beautiful. In the midst of forest, a butterfly flies. It sings and dances. That lotus or butterfly, also the parts of the beautiful world; to see and enjoy heartfully. People can’t deny this fact. The blooming lotus acts as a gem.
WOW! What a Wondrous World!
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,940. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
This book is primarily for young children to encourage them to admire nature and also to make them understand the manifold benefits of staying close to nature. If we motivate kids to spend time with nature, they can find a true companion in it and thus create a bond. So, obviously they will be aware of the natural environment that surrounds us and will not do anything to cause harm.
Musings: And Miles To Go
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 32,070. Language: English. Published: March 6, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"A heartfelt and a light-hearted look at life. This collection of musings touches on some of the adventures we experience in our everyday life; our relationships with friends, parents, children, pets, in-laws, “outlaws”; the houses and homes we live in; the wonderful world of books; travel: both plans and actuals; the good old days of our childhood – and all that lies ahead…"
Magkasintahan 2.0 Volume Xv
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 17,790. Language: English. Published: February 21, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » General
"“True love can beat any storm no matter how rough the sea is, true love sails through it”― Janki Hemani, An Abstract Love-A soulful journey of two hearts"
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