RG Risch


As a Technical Writer, Mr. Risch has written millions of words, and authored hundreds of documents. These include business proposals, white papers, service manuals, failure analysis reports, and other types of technical documentation throughout the years. He has worked with or been contracted to small companies as well as large corporations. He has also worked for various agencies of the federal government, including NASA, the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Social Security Administration, and the Office of the President of the United States.

Where to find RG Risch online


Rumors of UFOs
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 71,950. Language: English. Published: November 8, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Space Science
Although this book thoroughly investigates some of the older and more controversial cases on record, it also examines some of the most recent ones. It does this with fact and "real" scientific analysis to enlighten the reader while carrying the precise intention of debunking the "debunkers."

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