Tom Wells


Currently, my day job is as a licensed architect. I design schools, office buildings, maintenance stations and any number of buildings.

I do have a second occupation. I write. I write in the evenings. I write on the weekends. I write during lunch breaks. I write whenever I am sitting in airport terminals or when I ride planes, trains and buses. My first novel length manuscript was first drafted at the turn of the century when my daughter was born and I had a one hour commute each way in and out daily. I’ve been writing off and on since the 8th grade, but it was my introduction to the word processor in community college that broadened the scope of what I write. While I have worked for years to become the architect I am today, I have also wanted to write.

I get my chance to do plenty of technical writing in my day job. It would amaze most people to learn how planning and executing a building project is more about words than it is about drawing some lines on paper. I have a yearning to tell stories as well. Most of what I have written and what you will see here is science fiction, my first love in literature. There are other story ideas in other genres that may one day see print. For now though, I have invented a universe in our future that is waiting to be shared.

Welcome and I hope you enjoy what you find here as much as I have enjoyed creating these works.

Where to find Tom Wells online


Preserving Humanity
Price: $1.49 USD. Words: 87,650. Language: English. Published: February 22, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General
NASA’s first space probe to another solar system has come alive and sent back a self aware computer virus. A gathering of the age’s brightest graduate students from across the United States have been called upon to unlock the secret of the probe’s transformation. Together they need to find a way to stop the virus’s spread before humanity becomes a slave to their own creation.
Red Sands of Revolution
You set the price! Words: 70,940. Language: English. Published: January 2, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General
This is the personal story of Martian independence leader, Carl Ronad, who led Mars to become the first independent planet beyond Earth. A tragic accident involving Carl’s father calls him home to Mars. While Carl begins the search for the truth behind his father’s death, he is swept into the rising tide of revolution growing across the planet.
Fall of the Faithful
Price: Free! Words: 17,520. Language: English. Published: October 30, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Department of Human Preservation Agent Harold Gains had been called out to the crime scene of an apparent suicide jump from a high-rise hotel. Agent Gains had been dispatched to investigate the death of a male suspected to be a member of the secretive cult known as the Faithful. The subject's fall from ten stories looked like suicide, but looks can be deceiving as Agent Gains is soon to find out.
Price: Free! Words: 16,100. Language: English. Published: October 8, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General
(4.00 from 1 review)
The last big budget exploration mission for NASA has gone wrong. The first of eight Seeker spacecraft sent to our nearest stars has come to life. What has happened? What if the newly sentient probe reaches its Mission Objective and finds life? Can humanity afford to make its first contact with an alien race though an ambassador they have created, but do not know?

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